Who needs science fiction...
... when non-fiction is just as good?
For all your procrastination needs: check this out
I was especially moved by the paragraph about smiling and blinking...AH!
And now to lunch.
The moon is nothing but a circumambulating aphrodisiac, divinely subsidized to provoke the world into a rising birth rate. ~ Christopher Fry
... when non-fiction is just as good?
Okay so I’ve been here for a good 4 months now, and I think it’s safe to say that I’m pretty much over the whole NAm confusion at the wrong-sided driving (I say wrong sided, not because it’s WRONG, but because I’m if nothing else, definitely North American… just so everything’s nice and square and PC). So I can also safely state that I no longer attribute the near-death experiences to my downright stupidity.
Sometimes I worry that taking all this psychology will render me unable to look at any situation without psychologizing it.
- one of those days where you finally get up at 8:30 after tossing around for the past 2.5 hours and pour muesli into your mug instead of your bowl. Seriously.
Kay so I know I promised some new pictures a very long time ago, but I'm here to tell you now, that as soon as my parents get back next week, it'll be pictures and nothing but on here for a good week. That Royal Botanic Gardens series I was talking about is still going ahead.
Well, 2 down, 2 to go as they say. Another day, another essay.
Congrats to he who is done his degree and is now drinking like the free man he is. I hate that I have 6 more weeks of this, and that last night I drank a large glass of wine with my dinner and consequently fell asleep on the couch in the middle of the O.C. I've got a lot of catching up to do...
1. Impulse buying as a result of stress will be your downfall
Yesterday in the grocery store, a little old man with a shiny, bald, bandaged head was talking to the steaks. Apparently the dead flesh was complimenting him, because he kept saying things like, "Why thank you."
Today my Creative Writing teacher said to me, "Maybe you shouldn't have had so much coffee during the break."
So I came here today hoping I would be inspired to put something up before I got to the actual writing of it. Alas, I got nothing. I'm in the midst of some hardcore procrastination (wow, ever since hearing that saying I can never say that word in a way that doesn't sound gross to me) which has grown to involve every single activity in which I engage daily and every assignment I have creeping up on me -- i.e. housework, schoolwork and even passtimes are suffering under the grip of my extreme attack of apathy. I just don't give a shit, and one is not forthcoming (yeah, I'm on a freaking roll today -- I'm concern-constipated -- deal with that one for a minute). I think I'm wishing too hard for this semester to end and spending not enough time making sure that it actually does.
Got a little outside interest going on here, so maybe I need to refresh my stats a bit, since it isn't my practice to release my profile -- wouldn't say anything too interesting anyway.
Today I fixed a broken towel bar taht my brother had accidentally wrenched out of the wall. Yes, I, AR, pulled a whole DIY thing -- there were definite moments of "I am woman hear me roar" afterwards. That's not to say that this is a unique event. In fact I have been known to whip out my trusty tool set (yep, I do own one at home) and perform a little fixer-upper. Here in Australia I amazed an international chick by fixing her frying pan handle using only a butter knife (yeah, I just tightened the screw, but it sounds impressive if you say it the other way -- sort of like McGiver). On the other hand, I have also been known to say that there's nothing that can't be fixed with chocolate and the Big Chill soundtrack (which is just a blatant lie, although it's a damn good soundtrack), and to call on Max of Saskatchewan when I wasn't strong enough to unscrew the coverings on our overhead lights to change the bulbs (he also fixed our stove while he was at it, and we good little women fed him dinner in return -- it was all very archaic). But hey, despite the other hand, I've got my industrious streak, which is a damn good thing I'm finding, when all the big strongies are nowhere to be found.
JHR is phoning me this week! How excited am I? VERY.
So I should say, straight off, in case the rellies tune in today, that everyone is okay, so don't you guys echo my anxiety when you read the following.
Yesterday in a fit of self-pity I bought a package of starburst sour worms and went to the Film Group to watch Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events by myself. I sat unknowingly beside a father and his three sons. I say unknowingly because two of the three came in later to occupy the two seats between me and the rest of their party. When the little boy beside me moved to the other side of his father, I thought about feeling hurt, but then thought, "Nah, I didn't really want to sit beside him, and besides, I wouldn't want to sit beside me either."
Last night I went to a dinner party and was the youngest one there. I also felt like the youngest one there, which is new for me, because usually I feel like I can hold my own, but here, amongst people already working in government, in university departments, or working on their second, third, gajillionth degree, I felt a bit lost. Admittedly, these women were not THAT much older than me -- however, they do have it figured out, and when that all important question came my way, "And what do YOU do?" and I answered with my perennial "I'm a film student," I got the expected resulting reaction that this statement always induces: "Oh, well... gee... THAT'S completely useless."