Thursday, June 23, 2005


Well, this web-based entity is unplugging for a much needed repose. I'm back on the 14th of August with many stories to tell I'm sure.
In the meantime I hope you're all having an excellent summer/winterbreak, and to those I'll be seeing again soon -- can't wait!


Monday, June 20, 2005

you can sort of see it...right on my cheek Posted by Hello

Warning: I'M (possibly) ABOUT TO GROSS YOU OUT... again

As an aside before I get to the actual purpose of this post: DOOCE WENT TO CANADA... AND SHE LIKED IT! Hurrah!

Okay, so, now you can get unexcited again.

For almost a year, I've had this little thing on my face, and I really didn't know what it was. To be honest I was hoping it was progressing towards becoming a beauty mark (cause, uh, doesn't that automatically make you beautiful?), but mostly it was just this little, white, unobtrusive bump. I'm trying to find a picture to demonstrate.

When I got up this morning, I noticed that it was a different colour. It looked like it was bleeding... and indeed, over the course of the day, and many sessions with a hot compress, A LOT of stuff came out of that little sucker, finally culminating in a little white ball.

I say little comparatively, I mean, because next to a baseball, a golf ball, etc. it was pretty much tiny. But compared to things that usually come out of your face, this baby was HUGE. I barely restrained myself from taking a picture.

Best I can guess I had a little cyst under my skin. And I had pretty much resigned myself to living with it. And now it's gone, I feel a little bereft. Plus I have this gigantic (again a relative measurement) red mark on my cheek, which kind of sucks.

But hey, in a week's time I will be baring my bikini clad body to the world, and if I'm already embarassed about my face, how much more embarassment can I possibly incur from the rest of me? A blessing in disguise?

Today Deciana told me she really liked my site... and now she's thinking OH GOD I TAKE IT ALL BACK. haha.

I promise no more grossities, esp. since I think I'm going to retire for 6 weeks starting Saturday.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Hollerback what?

This morning Gwen's video was playing on VH1, and my mother, after several minutes listening to the lyrics finally said, "What the hell does that MEAN?"
And to be honest, I just don't know. I don't get it at all, but no one else seems to want to admit it. I try to keep an open mind with what she's doing, but pretty much the song is just sh--. It's also number one on the Australian charts right now, which I'm not sure actually reflects how much the country likes it rather than how much everyone just doesn't want to admit that they don't understand it and are really enthusiastic about it to compensate.

Anyway, if anyone can actually provide an adequate decoding for my mom that would be cool.

Props to Mr. R

-- whom, after many days of waiting patiently, I have finally managed to get on MSN, while trying to figure out where the f*** DE is this evening (no fault of his, I was very late).
My dear Mr. R will sadly not be visiting in Sept, but I have just extracted a promise from him to come the following year... when his busy schedule will permit.
I fully intend to hold him to it.

If anyone knows what "sonst" means that would be useful right now because I'm showing my complete ignorance of German in my lack of ability to translate it...

Also, Mr. R is a BIG SOPPY ROMANTIC. Just so all the G-dot girls are duly warned before his arrival...

In which I have the urge to say F*** a lot.

God damn the bastard who stole my f-ing sweater tonight.
I also almost got in a fight with a man in uniform (not like, police, but like Royal Military College), but then he saw my biceps and backed the f*** off.
Damn straight mother f***er.
I'm so over this bar scene. Bring on the tequila and the geckos, baby (and by that I mean YOU, that's right... I shall provide the former of course, duty free).
7 days

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Can't you just tell from the title that you are going to LOVE this post??

What I'm about to tell you hinges on two stories.
The first is that I have a problem being heard. Either I have a hard time judging the volume of my own voice and thus opt for the lowered option, or - as I prefer to believe - everyone ever (and especially my mother) is deaf.
The second is that when my brother turned 9, we were in Washington D.C. and for his birthday among other things he got this toy called Orbit Balls which was basically three balls on a string which you could do tricks with much like a yoyo. It was very cool, plus it glowed in the dark, which gave it extra cool factor. My brother and I would lock ourselves in the bathroom and play with it in the dark FOR HOURS. And then, my brother did something stupid, which he often did at that age (AT THAT AGE?), and put the Orbit Balls in a bag of chocolate chip cookies which then got smashed to bits for one reason or another, and the orbit balls were irretrievably stained brown by the chocolate.
Which all brings us up to today. There are trees here in Australia (for the life of me I don't know what they are) whose seedpods come in these little fluffy balls. While waiting at the bus stop today my brother found three of these attached in much the way the Orbit balls had been, and started playing with them saying "orbit, orbit, orbit" (I still say we should have him checked for ADHD), which of course reminded me of the story and so I said, "Hey Josh, remember when you stuck the orbit balls in the bag of chocolate chip cookies and they turned brown and we couldn't ever get them clean again?" My brother said yes he did, and it was such a shame. Meanwhile my mother was standing between us staring back and forth at each of us. Finally she said, "Wait, wait, did you just say orbit balls in a bag of sledge poopies? What the hell are you talking about?"
I laughed, and laughed and laughed, and cried a little bit... and then I repeated myself and asked, "How the hell did you get SLEDGE POOPIES from CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES?"
"Well why would I think you were saying orbit balls and chocolate chip cookies, that doesn't make sense," she said.
"But SLEDGE POOPIES does?" I asked incredulously.
"Well, I just wanted to demonstrate that you don't enunciate clearly," she said a bit sullenly. I then tried to push her hair away from her ears, which she fended off by flapping her hands.
As my father often says these days, we spend way too much time together. Thankfully for them in 10 days I'll be out of their hair for a while. haha.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Is there methadone for Fructis?

I think I've begun to realize that my hair is actually addicted to Fructis. It's not happy if I use anything but. It's been on it for 2 years now and it's just hooked. This morning at the breakfast table I brought it up, and my brother said "Yeah, it's like heroin for hair -- Hairoin!" and I said no, it was more like speed for hair, but sadly my analogy had no snappy word amalgamation pun.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Chiffy baby, you're the only one for me

Granted my relationship with Mr. Chifley is a bit unorthodox. I mean, we're still working on the pope and homosexuality (Jean Paul was just starting to bend -- and I do mean that figuratively of course – when he up and died… I for one was sure he had at least another ten years in him, and now this new guy? What’s up with the former Nazi youth?), how is society going to deal with a human/library match?
I admit this semester we’ve gotten a bit intense. I feel a bit squirrelly if I don’t see him every day, and spend a little time in the Infoplace with the internet connection.
Right now I’m sitting in the far corner on the last available PC (didn’t feel like dealing with Safari) and soaking in the Chifleyness. The Indian woman beside me is talking to herself. Before I thought it was because she had earphones on and was operating on the assumption that if she couldn’t hear herself then no one else could either, but now the earphones are gone and she’s got a genuine two-sided conversation going on. I have a creepy suspicion she’s making fun of me in some way. The girl behind me is mouth breathing in her concentration, which is also a little freaky, but hey, it’s that time of year, when everyone realizes they must have slept through the actual course part of their courses, and suddenly have an entire semester’s learning to do in the four days before exams start. I’m feeling inclined to do a little mouth breathing myself. It’s all in the Chifley spirit.
However, the outward displays of anxiety will have to wait. I’ve promised myself that tonight I will finish an assignment at least before 9 pm (for that is my witching hour, haha), and the internal anxiety is taking up all my energy.
So... later baby. I'll be back tomorrow to play in the stacks -- I know how you like that.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

As promised (a really long time ago)

So these are the pictures of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney. Above those is me on the beach in Christchurch. This is all of course over a month ago now, but hey, it's that I actually eventually got around to posting them that counts, right?

the beach at Christchurch Posted by Hello

and this is a funny bird Posted by Hello

I don't know if I've cropped this enough, but see those things hanging from the trees? Yeah, those are GIGANTIC BATS, they were everywhere. Posted by Hello

they not only had these birds of paradise in the botanic gardens, but also growing wild by the sides of the freeways. Notice how I actually know the name of that one.... Posted by Hello

more blurry... still pretty Posted by Hello

Have to admit it is nice to see this sort of thing in April Posted by Hello

I realize these are a bit blurry -- what can I say, I suck with a still camera... like things to move, but hey, it was still a cool plant Posted by Hello

The Ferngully tree Posted by Hello