Monday, June 20, 2005

Warning: I'M (possibly) ABOUT TO GROSS YOU OUT... again

As an aside before I get to the actual purpose of this post: DOOCE WENT TO CANADA... AND SHE LIKED IT! Hurrah!

Okay, so, now you can get unexcited again.

For almost a year, I've had this little thing on my face, and I really didn't know what it was. To be honest I was hoping it was progressing towards becoming a beauty mark (cause, uh, doesn't that automatically make you beautiful?), but mostly it was just this little, white, unobtrusive bump. I'm trying to find a picture to demonstrate.

When I got up this morning, I noticed that it was a different colour. It looked like it was bleeding... and indeed, over the course of the day, and many sessions with a hot compress, A LOT of stuff came out of that little sucker, finally culminating in a little white ball.

I say little comparatively, I mean, because next to a baseball, a golf ball, etc. it was pretty much tiny. But compared to things that usually come out of your face, this baby was HUGE. I barely restrained myself from taking a picture.

Best I can guess I had a little cyst under my skin. And I had pretty much resigned myself to living with it. And now it's gone, I feel a little bereft. Plus I have this gigantic (again a relative measurement) red mark on my cheek, which kind of sucks.

But hey, in a week's time I will be baring my bikini clad body to the world, and if I'm already embarassed about my face, how much more embarassment can I possibly incur from the rest of me? A blessing in disguise?

Today Deciana told me she really liked my site... and now she's thinking OH GOD I TAKE IT ALL BACK. haha.

I promise no more grossities, esp. since I think I'm going to retire for 6 weeks starting Saturday.


Blogger deciana said...

Hi gall,

Don't worry, I still like your site, even with the gross details. Hope you're enjoying yourself in Fiji!


PS: Marketing tute didn't work out. Apparently some unacceptable favours from my side were required... I'll send you the whole story in an email. AFTER your holidays.

10:06 a.m.  

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