Saturday, January 31, 2004


I need someone to tell me what to do and how to do it. I'm feeling a bit sub-capable... sub-coping.

I know that things could be worse right now. There are millions of things that could happen to make things worse. But really, I don't want to wait around to find out what's going to happen. I need to do something to alleviate some of the worsening...

Stay tuned, you may be surprised at the twist.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

boy is my face red...

well, it's not really, but my pj's are!

since now I know that the afore-mentioned idiot (don't worry honey I don't really think you're an idiot) actually reads this page from time to time (who knew? nobody reads this!.... do they?), I should stick up another little note for him to discover, as usual, a week too late.

Agent Lamebrain (code name: neily-boy, heh heh, what if people ARE reading this?)--- stop pouting.

I just thought I'd clear that up... I was thinking about you last night before I fell asleep, and then I had a very disturbing dream, which actually didn't have that much to do with you, because you weren't there.
But I wanted you to be there. All these other people were there, and they kept telling me that I was with them now and that they didn't want me to think about you anymore... but I couldn't help it. Even in my dream I needed you there... the dream people just didn't compare you see. And I kept saying, no, but I want to be with N! and they wouldn't let me. It was quite terrible... not to mention the part where I had seven invisible babies who kept leaving neat piles of dirty diapers for me to "change" eventhough they weren't in them. And my mother kept berating me because I wasn't taking proper care of my babies... but how could I if they were invisible and I couldn't find them in their dirty diapers? Not to worry (or freak out) darling... I always have pregnancy/baby dreams before I get my period... it's hormones, naturally.



Monday, January 05, 2004

News Flash for Agent Lame Brain

Just before I get started on the mound of stressful things I need to do before tomorrow, I thought I'd just leave a short note for the idiot noted above.

Get a fucking clue, or that's it.

Sunday, January 04, 2004


Hidden on my window sill among all the coloured bottles is a clear glass full of green beads and water. In the cup-shaped top of this glass is a hyacinth bulb (I'm told it will be orange when it blooms). I placed it there yesterday and already the roots have reached down, swelling with water, searching out their new life. At the top, the green shoot peeks shyly out of its protective layers, waiting for just the right moment.
I'm sitting, clean and moisturized from the shower, typing. My boyfriend has fallen asleep on the couch. The television is telling him a romance story. The program was probably once in book form.

When I got out of the shower, he was snoring. So I videotaped him. I haven't told him yet though. I haven't decided whether I want this amusement right now or whether I want to save it for later, who knows when I might need it.
Tomorrow I'm starting the second semester of this year. I'm starting with a German course which I'm afraid might be too hard for me. I have two days where I do six hours of work and class straight.
After the craze of the holidays it's calmed down again...
But unlike before Christmas, I recognize this calm for what it is, the calm before a storm. It won't last, so I should get ready while I still can.
I think I'll go buy a German dictionary before my class tomorrow.

Good Luck