Saturday, May 14, 2005

Nothing like being talked to as though you're a piece of meat.

Yesterday in the grocery store, a little old man with a shiny, bald, bandaged head was talking to the steaks. Apparently the dead flesh was complimenting him, because he kept saying things like, "Why thank you."
That's what I get for shopping after dark in Canberra.

This week I found out that my exam is on the 24th of June -- that is, the very day before I leave Australia. Potentially, of course, it could have been on the 25th, and I would have had to make the DR's wait for me an extra day, which would have sucked. This way, it'll just be a mad pack-study-a-thon for the last few days of my Aussie experience.

Today begins the 6 week countdown.


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