Thursday, May 05, 2005

Goddess of Industrial Strength Silicone Adhesive

Today I fixed a broken towel bar taht my brother had accidentally wrenched out of the wall. Yes, I, AR, pulled a whole DIY thing -- there were definite moments of "I am woman hear me roar" afterwards. That's not to say that this is a unique event. In fact I have been known to whip out my trusty tool set (yep, I do own one at home) and perform a little fixer-upper. Here in Australia I amazed an international chick by fixing her frying pan handle using only a butter knife (yeah, I just tightened the screw, but it sounds impressive if you say it the other way -- sort of like McGiver). On the other hand, I have also been known to say that there's nothing that can't be fixed with chocolate and the Big Chill soundtrack (which is just a blatant lie, although it's a damn good soundtrack), and to call on Max of Saskatchewan when I wasn't strong enough to unscrew the coverings on our overhead lights to change the bulbs (he also fixed our stove while he was at it, and we good little women fed him dinner in return -- it was all very archaic). But hey, despite the other hand, I've got my industrious streak, which is a damn good thing I'm finding, when all the big strongies are nowhere to be found.

"She's gone to the movies now and she don't need your help."

No seriously, that's exactly where I'm going right now, but 10 pts to the person who can correctly identify the song lyric.



Blogger Porkchop said...

That is the one thing I am handy with: a screwdriver.

Seriously! I am! I can fix anything with a flat head screwdriver.

If all else fails, you can use it to kill the handyman once he has fixed everything for you, and then smile innocently.

Works like a charm.

11:14 a.m.  
Blogger Alexis said...

Well I'm not going to disagree, Australian ladies may do it better (though I think we may need to lend some definition to the "it" in there...), but I cannot sadly count myself among their ranks.

For I am Canadian.

Just like all the beer commercials say.

2:14 a.m.  

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