Tuesday, May 03, 2005

In which the heroine has several mini heart attacks

So I should say, straight off, in case the rellies tune in today, that everyone is okay, so don't you guys echo my anxiety when you read the following.

This morning, while getting ready for school, I was listening to the radio as is my habit to chase away the silence and entertain my Canadian obsession with weather reports. Imagine how much I almost choked on my toothbrush when the announcer said, "Several earthquakes rocked New Zealand's South island this morning." South Island? As in where I was a week and a half ago? As in the place WHERE MY FAMILY STILL IS??? I swear that damn newscaster waited a full freaking second before adding, "Happily thre have been no reported damage or injuries."
It took me a full three minutes to quell my urge to reach for the phone -- no injuries, and I'm late for class.

The class I was late for (though I got there on time as it turns out) was the dreaded Psych tutorial. I have no idea why it effects me this way, I could honestly not care any less for the course -- it's about babies for Christ's sake -- but it triggers my anxiety like nothing has since Kyiv. And today was presentation day! Which means, succinctly, second mini heart attack of the day. At one point during my presentation I thought I might have to get up and leave the room, but kept tenuous control with the reasoning that it would be more embarassing to do that than to continue to stutter my way through it, and deal with the fact that my heart beat had pumped up to an inhuman rate.

I spent the rest of the THREE HOURS AND 25 PRESENTATIONS writing a grocery list.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least you don't turn BRIGHT red along with your heart beating out of your chest when you present...

5:40 p.m.  

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