Saturday, May 07, 2005

Let me just clear some things up

Got a little outside interest going on here, so maybe I need to refresh my stats a bit, since it isn't my practice to release my profile -- wouldn't say anything too interesting anyway.
I'm 21, Canadian, on the last leg of a round-the-world plane ticket, which at the moment has me on exchange at Australian National University in Canberra -- one of the most boring cities in one of the most interesting countries I've hit this year.
Parents and brother are currently in Christchurch where they will be for the next 3 weeks, before returning to Canberra to hang out with me for another 4, at which point I will once again abandon them and go to Fiji. At some point during the summer I suppose I'll have to go home -- which is Guelph, Ontario, but for most of the year I live in Kingston because I go to Queen's University.
The links on the side are respectively: my fam's trip pictures; my good friend V who's on exchange in Glasgow; my ex's excellent blog; a former mormon momma from utah; and a fianceed New Yorker.
If you check out the archives I originally created the whole damn thing as an outlet for the frustrations of student civil servants working the summer away at the Blue Palace, otherwise known as the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food -- it kind of all grew from there.
And now, as one visitor put it so pleasantly, it's just "a travel log, nice'n'normal." It is however classified in blogshares under "Psychology" and "Hate" which I will forever be bitter about -- it may be a bit bipolar but it's hardly hateful. Goodness knows what it's reincarnation will be when I get home.


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