Tuesday, May 17, 2005

And this bird you cannot change

Congrats to he who is done his degree and is now drinking like the free man he is. I hate that I have 6 more weeks of this, and that last night I drank a large glass of wine with my dinner and consequently fell asleep on the couch in the middle of the O.C. I've got a lot of catching up to do...
Happily, today I checked my degree requirements and hey, I might be able to finish in a year after all -- I may be a nervous and drooling wreck by the end of it, but hey, gotta watch that double cohort creeping up from the rear to steal my job ops, right?

Oh, and for those in need of their daily dose of jollies -- go read the comments at Deg of Man and we can all make fun of BO together, like one big happy family.


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