Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Cellular Level

Well I've gone and done it.
I've bought a cell phone. A very shiny cell phone with many extraneous and probably useless features which make me feel better about having paid so god damned much for it.

It made sense to get it as my primary phone. And it made sense to get the phone and plan that I did. In my head, while I was being wooed by the salesman and V was bugging the hell out of me to finish the transaction so I could go and get her more free Ben & Jerry's (because she licked hers off the cone), it made perfect sense.

And on one level I still think it is a good idea, it does make sense considering the circumstances of my constant mobility, and I'm going to keep it, and I like the cute little thing.
But on the cellular level (and that is, as in, the very core of my being) I still feel like a great big poser for even owning it.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Song of the Day

Friends -- 22-20s

A song for the end of the semester.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Final paper finished in its entirety: 2:15 pm
Handed in: 2:45 pm
Dr. Phil: 3:15 pm
Boredom with Dr. Phil and persistent headache: 3:30
Hunger and bemoaning state of fridge: 3:35
Tylenol: 3:40
Blogpost: 3:51

Expected time of the commencement of packing: 4:00 pm

Song of the day: Barnowl -- Caribou

Friday, April 21, 2006

If I could sleep forever

Song of the Day: Sleep -- The Dandy Warhols

For future reference, don't do hot yoga in the morning, it burns you right out for the rest of the day. Today I almost keeled over in the class because I thought I was well enough to handle it, and it turns out my lungs aren't quite there yet. I actually had to leave the class and spend 5 minutes sitting on a bench with my head between my knees. But since I paid $14 to be in the class I went back in and stuck it out.
Now of course I'm working, and all I really want to do is SLEEP, or eat A LOT OF FOOD, neither of which would be particularly productive at this juncture.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Song of the Day

Does everyone remember the Spin Doctors? No? Yeah you do, you just don't think you do. Well, I happened to download Pocketful of Kryptonite a while ago and my computer fell in love.
Yes, my computer has favourite songs. Ones that it will stubbornly play over and over again until I finally deselect them from the Library playlist.
Lately a song by the Spin Doctors is in my little comp's heart, so in salut! to the machine that rules my world:

How Could You Want Him (When You Know You Could Have Me?) -- Spin Doctors

Gotta love a title like that.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Problem with Extensions

The thing about extensions for assignments is that they take the pressure off. The prof says, yeah, take that extra weekend, that extra week, and you think, sweet, if you need me I'll be running through the daisies singing La la la!
And you end up cramming all the work into the last day or two anyway. You would think that as I'm in the winter of my university career I would have learned how to not procrastinate, but alas...
That pressure, you see, is essential for me to work hard at anything. I produce my best when I'm sweating a little.
So this morning when my prof, in response to my proposal (also done incredibly late) said "Sounds really interesting, if you need a couple extra days to do what you need to do, I don't mind if it's a day or two late" I stared at the computer screen and said "AAW CRAP!"

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Strange Bedfellows

Is it weird that I'm about to sleep beside my computer? Can you love your computer too much?

Yes well I am insane obviously.

I swear it's just because the plug's on the wall beside my bed and I want to finish downloading some stuff.


Friday, April 14, 2006

Good things to know if you have a cold:

- You can take two advil cold & sinus, and two regular ibuprofen AT THE SAME TIME, and yes, it will make you loopy, and yes I have driven through red lights while on this dosage, but man if you have massive pain, IT MAKES IT GO AWAY. (And if you're wondering how I came about this information, it's from a pharmacist, not a rash of personal experiments)

- Snorting salt water up your nose is gross. And also the best decongestant ever.

- Cough supressors, much like fascist regimes, only work if the cough is in a primed politico-economic state. The cough will not submit unless it is so desperate for change that it's willing to swallow any propaganda Benylin feels like throwing its way. And mine apparently is too smart for that.

- Vaporub is not nearly as soothing when you have to apply it yourself.

- Doritos and ice cream, unfortunately, are not the newest breakthrough in cures for colds. But if they were, man, I'd be well on my way to recovery.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

4 WHAT? -am

Just. Kill. Me.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

10 Thoughts (in no particular disorder)

1. I am not picking up the phone.
2. As it turns out I don't like green-flavoured sucky candies.
3. This is the worst possible time ever to be this sick.
4. This is the worst possible time ever for Mr. LND (Yeah I know his name now, but I'll never stop thinking of him this way) to be trying out his voice on new covers by singing along to the originals.
5. It's very difficult to be a white person writing a paper about black oppression in sports without sounding like you're a) overcompensating for being white or b) racist yourself, and generally feeling like you've got no business weighing in on the matter in the first place.
6. I'd really, really like to sleep.
7. You've got to concentrate!
8. Oh, Mr. LND, how I hate your guts.
9. TM (and MP) are awesome for bringing me Chinese food.
10. I wonder how long until I get to sleep?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Princess Street Over Onion Rings

V: Ugh, Stages on a Tuesday night. Please promise me we'll never sink that low.
A: Done.
V: I've already informed D we'll be honing our real world flirting skills and picking up loads and loads of men.
A: Absolutely... but we're just going to sit on patios and look pretty until men buy us drinks right?
V: Yeah that's the plan.

Song of the Day

Come On Closer - Jem

Hurray Bronchitis!

I developed a threatening cough last night, and woke up this morning coughing so hard it feels as though my head may explode every time I do. My chest is constricted, and I'm having issues breathing properly. I thought I'd kicked this thing last week, but obviously it has just migrated. Why is it this happens every semester just as classes finish -- without fail? It's really just unfair, and frankly not karmically sound either.

Anyway, I'm off to the drug store in a bit to get some sort of something to help me out with this thing, and in the meantime I'm going to watch my fingernails for any sign of bluish tinge, take a shower to try and steam it out of me, and in the eternal words of my mother, "buck up."

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Song of the Day

Conceal Me -- Xavier Rudd

Trying to decide whether to go home for Hillside or not...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

White Mountain

(Post-Toucan ice cream mission: TM makes fun of MH, then gets laughed at himself.)

A: Stop taking the piss.
T: Wha-at?
A: You're taking the piss.
T: I'm what? Like ON him?
A: No! Not taking a piss on him, taking the piss out of him.
(T Looks non-plussed.)
A: It means you're making fun of him. Jesus, two British parents and you've never heard that before?
T: No.
A: Wow.
T: But, what do I do with the piss once I've taken it from him?
(A collapses in fit of hysterics)
T: I mean, I don't particularly WANT it.
A: OMG... ow... This is so going on the internet.
T: I'm never talking to you again.
(A continues to giggle. There is a pause in the conversation.)
T: Do you still have ads on your website?
A: Yes.
T: I think I should get royalties.

(And I just broke the golden rule by referring to the ads, so maybe they'll kick me off now. In which case TM is very welcome to 15% of the $1.55 I have made to date.)

Song of the Day

10 Gallon Ascots -- Tapes'n Tapes

Just because.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Hero or Villain?

I'm supposed to go dressed up to the Ninnies tonight "as your favourite hero or villain." I've asked around, and I've heard Hal (from 2001), Mary Poppins, and Hercules are possible attendants of the festivities tonight.

The only thing I've come up with so far as remotely possible is going as a Charlie's Angel. I straightened my hair yesterday and could totally Farrah it out. But I wouldn't say that was my favourite hero. Also, I'm not sure I really see myself as a hero type person. I think I could pull off a villain WAY BETTER. I'm sure you all agree. Not that I'm the sin-against-humanity type, but I'm just not necessarily the humanity-is-innocent-and-deserves-to-be-saved type either.
But I've gone through lists and lists of female villains and their get up is either way too complicated for such short notice (as I've given myself) or not distinctive enough that people would actually know who I am.

So if I actually do end up dressing up at all, I guess I'll just have to find myself some short-shorts and an inventive way to hide a toy gun on my person.

And maybe I'll have to find myself a Charlie.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Song of the Day

Ache For You - Ben Lee

Because yesterday I phoned Australia, and there's something soothing about this funny little man, among other things.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Number of times I've said "Have a nice day": 83 billion
Percentage of those times I actually meant "You can bite me" : 96.8%

Today has NOT been OK

Thank the gods there's a new Gilmore Girls on tonight. It is the only redeeming feature of this 24 hours.

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's taken 4 years but finally my Kingston experience is complete


Today I worked at the bakery....

And Paul Langlois came in and bought a cake!

From me!

And if you don't know who that is:


You are what you read

I am sometimes paranoid (what, really?). I sometimes think too much.
Sometimes when I go to sign out books at the library, I start to worry (or okay, not worry exactly, but wonder... yes wonder is better) what the librarian will think of me based on the books I'm signing out. I realize that the librarian doesn't give a flying F about what I'm checking out, and probably doesn't even bother to read titles. However, these are the little ways in which I like to torture and tease my brain.
The wonder occurred to me once again, when today I signed out the following books:

Revealing Male Bodies
Body Parts: Critical Explorations in Corporeality
Creating the Modern Man
You Tarzan: Masculinity, Movies and Men
Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema
Running Scared: Masculinity and Representation of the Male Body
The Masculine Mystique: The Politics of Masculinity
Eye on the Flesh: Fashions of Masculinity in the Early Twentieth Century
The Sculpture Machine: Physical Culture and Body Politics in the Age of Empire

Judgements anyone?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I don't care how much TM or anyone makes fun of me for this

BUT OH MY GOD CHRIS O'DONNELL IS ON GREY'S ANATOMY, and when he made his grand entrance in the last five minutes of the show I nearly peed my pants and sat there with my mouth hanging open for at least three minutes.


Song of the Day

Last night I downloaded a lot of music. I mean a lot. I'm not going to say how, because I'm not sure if you get in trouble for endorsing this sort of thing, but either way... I was tooling through the albums I had obtained, and I started listening to the album Unsound Methods by Recoil. In all honesty, I only got through the first song because once I'm in bed I'm much too lazy to get up and punch iTunes into submission. I was sitting there, reading, listening thinking, holy shit, THIS SONG IS GOING TO GIVE ME NIGHTMARES. I should really get up and turn it off. It was seriously the most terrifying thing I have ever had coming out of my speakers.
But then the song ended, and the album progressed to that mid-90's Sneaker Pimps/Portishead/Poe groove that I really dig (if it was still a lot darker than any of them).

So I won't make the SoD the incredibly scary one, because then I might have to listen to it again and *shudder* it's a little too soon. But in honour of my recent Facebook concession, the song is Stalker by Recoil.
Way to raise the e-stalk revolution.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Today Has Been OK

In two weeks, yesterday, I will be done this semester, and thinking about how to spend the two weeks I have off between school and starting work. Considering I've got a lot of work to do, I'm looking forward to this break. But on the other hand, come the 14th of April, everything is going to change. Again. People are going to leave at the end of this month, and some of them I will possibly never see again. Of course, those who I never see again are probably the ones that didn't have a big role in my life to begin with. But people become habits, part of the landscape of your day, and having that change is always a wrench. Believe me. It seems as though since high school ended my whole life rotates completely on a 4 month cycle (on average, sometimes it's 2 months, sometimes 5). While there are always things to look forward to (and my folks say I do this to a fault), there are always things you leave behind... some with regret: "I should have done... should have told her... and him..." -- what I really feel. I've heard a lot of arguments to that effect lately.
This summer is going to be awesome. I have a great job, which I hope will be engaging, and won't require me to ask questions like "Sure you don't want half a dozen?" and "Can I get you anything else?" I'm living next door to one of my best friends, and we've already got big plans for the patios. My bestfriend is moving to Ottawa and will be closer to me for visiting purposes. I'm really looking forward to it. The sun, the lake, the new house, the new job.
And in so many other ways,
I'm dreading it.

Song of the Day: Today Has Been OK -- Emiliana Torrini (you may have heard it on Grey's Anatomy)