Monday, November 28, 2005

Band Practice

The time for grinning and bearing has passed.
I'm playing a very loud cd that my brother put together, and shaking my middle finger energetically at the bastards through the wall. Insane? well if you think sitting alone in your room with music blaring and gesticulating wildly at the wall is crazy, then, uh... yes.
Just let them come over here and ask ME to turn it down, just let them try.
I'm such a bad ass. Maybe I'll buy an electric viola and start my own band.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Day of me

Yesterday may have been one of my most exhausting days ever. But of course I say that through the veil of recency. In any case, because I am, by force of over scheduling, spared the editing room hell today, and since this is the last time for the next two weeks I'll probably be able to relax, I have spent almost the whole day doing nothing. And doing nothing in the most spectacular fashion I might add. I lay in bed until 10:30, when I got up to get the phone. I then lay in bed until 11:46 talking on said phone. Then I hung around for a while, took a shower, moisturized, watched a movie, returned the movie. Then I went to visit V at work, and arranged to "unleash some of my pent up fun-to-be-had" tonight in one way or another.
Man I'm in a way better mood than I was yesterday...
Can I kick it?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Come for the gingerbread, stay for the freak show

Oh my god I hate people. Today at work was the most incredible and constant stream of the MOST ANNOYING PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET. From crazy little old ladies smelling of cat or cheap perfume (who can say which is worse?), to whole families of "Does this have lard? We don't eat lard. . . Do you make anything gluten free?" complete with screaming, whining children who pressed snotty noses against the display cases, today was RAPACIOUSLY craptastic.
The crowning glory were two Queen's students who came in. One girl asked if we were still making sandwiches. It was 5:45. We make sandwiches at lunch. I told her no, we aren't still making sandwiches.
She looked at me with a horrified stare and said in that derogatory tone I have begun to associate with Queen's students talking to "the hired help": "So . . . You don't have ANYTHING to EAT?"

As God is (or, well, isn't, whatever) my witness, that is what she said. To me. While standing. At the counter. Across from me. In a bakery.

All I want to do is crawl into bed and never come out.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

TM random quote of the day -- a new feature on M&C

"Excuse me, would you like to eat my brain?"


Do you ever get the feeling that semesters are just that extra week too long?
I'm sitting in my unmade bed with my uncased pillow and my comforter which is slightly damp and my cute houndstooth pajamas. I have spilled tea on my bed for the second time this year. I blame the lack of kitchen table in this house and the constant allure of my oh so comfy bed. I do not want to leave it, but I am annoyed that it is taking so long to dry.
Today I'm showing a film (that I made) in class. It may be the last film I make solo of my whole degree, which is exciting. I will no longer know the inside of the film house after 1 am. Hurrah!
From now on I feel like this year is going to be full of these landmark moments, my last this, my last that. Quite frankly it's awesome. Everyone always tells me I try to make things go by too quickly. Best time of your life, blah blah blah. I choose to embrace the rapid movement of time -- the more you pay attention to how it passes, the slower it seems after all, and in the end that makes me more about the present than anything else.
And speaking of present, what does everyone want for the non-denominational celebration this year?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Three weeks and snow

Well look who's the lazy bum this week. And by lazy I mean insanely busy and therefore unable, or just too plain tired to post anything up here.
There are officially two weeks of class left in this semester. In three weeks I'll be at home getting ready to fly to Munich. In the count of things to be finished in the next two weeks I came out roughly on top, that is with the fewest things to accomplish. 3 short films (one with a group), 2 ten page essays, and 1 test. Hot damn. Still, this week I've felt that familiar tightening of the chest that somehow always hits at this time of year, and the only way to combat it is to plow on through.
This evening, when I finally lifted my head out of a 6 hour editing session, the parking lot outside was curiously bright for that time of day. I stared a few moments before it hit me that the ground was covered in a good half inch of snow. The first of the year here in K-town. When I got home TM played my favourite Christmas song on his computer while I was making dinner (it may have been accident or joke, not sure which) and I danced and spilt the glass of water I was holding all over his bedroom floor. 'Tisn't the season. But it's getting close.

Friday, November 11, 2005

THINGS I HATE RIGHT NOW, and why that's OK

1. My nextdoor neighbours and their obsession with Jamiroquai

2. Group assignments

3. Bollywood essays

4. Hormones

5. Pap smears

6. The combination of stress and caffeine withdrawal

7. The breakdown of the emotional robot (when Tinman cries he gets rusty)

8. Postnasal drip

9. Schedules

10. Food and its pesky essentiality

11. 29 hours and counting

12. My brother's roommate (just for the hell of it)

13. My nextdoor neighbours and their sudden craving for Kylie Minogue

14. Kleenex

15. Daylight

16. School

17. Mostly my nextdoor neighbours

But it's ALL OKAY, because in a few hours the emotional and physical exhaustion will be temporarily dealt with, and in 4 weeks it will all be over and far far away.

Essay writing the night before

12:08 am Have succumbed to caffeine fix. In approx. 15 minutes will be shaking but brain will be firing on all cylinders. Reminder to self -- never do this again. Reminder #2 -- You ALWAYS say that. Reminder #3 -- Yeah but I'm really following through this time.

5:09 am Reminder #4 -- you are the biggest f-ing retard on the face of the planet. Enjoy your 2.5 hours of sleep.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Analyze This -- and EVERYTHING

I have been writing essays for a good 5 days straight now, at least it feels that way, eventhough TM and I spent the entirety of yesterday evening on the couch in front of the television, broken up by TM's half-hearted attempts at actually working. I don't even put up the pretense on Monday nights...
Anyway, essays, yes. Essays.
Writing essays always has the same strange effect on me of creating this horrible analytical parasite in my brain whereupon I am unable to sit back and passively absorb anything (it has been pointed out that in this state I am an EXTREMELY annoying person to watch movies with - i.e. "Oh COME ON, that would NEVER HAPPEN") -- an ability which is highly prized in North American society. No, in essay parasite mode I cannot do it, which today resulted in my spending the whole of one presentation (KK's presentation) in my Consumer Culture class writing KK a letter which included this breakdown:

There is a guy sitting in front of me wearing a girl's scarf. I am wondering about the reasons behind said scarf-wearing because I am hoping that he isn't wearing it just because he thinks he is cool. Because he really just isn't. So I have come up with the following as possible scenarios wherein the scarf-wearing could have come about:
a) He obtained the scarf during the course of a flirtation with some girl or other and now won't give it back. He is wearing it to coyly "frustrate" her, and also as a sort of signifier of his involvement with females -- as a sort of "trophy" if you will. "I," it announces to the outside world, "am a haver-of-women, see by this scarf."
b) He is involved with an overly possessive and protective girlfriend, who, upon seeing that he was going to class this morning wearing only a sweatshirt, spontaneously wrapped the scarf around his neck in a strangling grip which says more about the state of their relationship than he is prepared to deal with right now, and so he leaves it on. Also in this case it indicates his involvement with her and so again see above re: trophy.
c) He is secretly gay and is experimenting with out-of-the-closet emblems.

Either way it was a lame scarf, and I suspect, based on my impressions of this guy that it was probably a. But one never really can tell. In any case, the fight goes on, as tonight I start a new essay -- my last in a series of 4 Bollywood response papers. The end to my torture is nigh. I only pray that I can finish it before Thursday as my dad is coming to town to take me to a very fancy restaurant (well actually for a conference but I like to think my part in the whole trip is much more important, heh heh) and I'd hate to cut it short on account of I have to finish an essay due on Friday.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Halloween Pictures

Hasn't it been a while since I had any pictures to speak of? I know, too long. But here I've uploaded some to flickr.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I realize Spiderwoman just doesn't have the same ring to it...

... it certainly doesn't fit into the song.

But that's what I dressed up as for Halloween. Everyone looked at me a bit askance and repeated, "Spiderwoman?" To which I responded, "Yes, it's a new superhero I made up." I think I looked a lot more like a female Zorro, but with the mask, no one will know it was me afterwards to make fun of me, so it's all good.

Halloween was not so scary this year, unfortunately, except for that story that TM told me about the Ghetto bug who ate its own detached-and-still-squirming leg while he watched. THAT was horrifying, but probably only coincidental that he told me about it on Halloween.

Hope everyone's night was a blast!
(LITERALLY, bwahahaha.... sigh... lame)