Day of me
Yesterday may have been one of my most exhausting days ever. But of course I say that through the veil of recency. In any case, because I am, by force of over scheduling, spared the editing room hell today, and since this is the last time for the next two weeks I'll probably be able to relax, I have spent almost the whole day doing nothing. And doing nothing in the most spectacular fashion I might add. I lay in bed until 10:30, when I got up to get the phone. I then lay in bed until 11:46 talking on said phone. Then I hung around for a while, took a shower, moisturized, watched a movie, returned the movie. Then I went to visit V at work, and arranged to "unleash some of my pent up fun-to-be-had" tonight in one way or another.
Man I'm in a way better mood than I was yesterday...
Can I kick it?
Yes You Can
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