Saturday, November 19, 2005

Three weeks and snow

Well look who's the lazy bum this week. And by lazy I mean insanely busy and therefore unable, or just too plain tired to post anything up here.
There are officially two weeks of class left in this semester. In three weeks I'll be at home getting ready to fly to Munich. In the count of things to be finished in the next two weeks I came out roughly on top, that is with the fewest things to accomplish. 3 short films (one with a group), 2 ten page essays, and 1 test. Hot damn. Still, this week I've felt that familiar tightening of the chest that somehow always hits at this time of year, and the only way to combat it is to plow on through.
This evening, when I finally lifted my head out of a 6 hour editing session, the parking lot outside was curiously bright for that time of day. I stared a few moments before it hit me that the ground was covered in a good half inch of snow. The first of the year here in K-town. When I got home TM played my favourite Christmas song on his computer while I was making dinner (it may have been accident or joke, not sure which) and I danced and spilt the glass of water I was holding all over his bedroom floor. 'Tisn't the season. But it's getting close.


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