I'm hoping this next post will be accessible to both men and women, but if not, well girls, this one's for you.
This week I'm rediscovering the warm happy feelings of looking good everyday. My attire of late hasn't differed too much from what I wear when I'm at home -- sweat shirts, sweat pants, doubled ponytails, glasses, and very thick socks. The only difference is I refuse to embrace that age-old university tradition and wear my pajama pants to class. It's lame.
Monday morning, however, I awoke with the determination to make use of all the excellent and unique clothing I collect so consciously, and to make an effort where my personal adornment is concerned.
And let me tell you, as much as it is great to feel lazy and comfortable in class, it's also a wonderful thing to be LOOKED at again. I had kind of given up for a while. What's the use, when the only person I'm really interested in attracting is thousands of miles away and (I hope) already hooked anyway?
But then I was walking to class with TM this morning and just before we parted ways he began to laugh and said "Everyone keeps looking at you. They keep passing by and going like this." He made an up-and-down motion with his head.
"Oh God," I said, half-mocking. "Do I have something on my face?"
Of course I knew I didn't (well, I was pretty sure anyway), and I say this in all self-awareness (one cannot be modest all the time, it's simply not good for the self-esteem, and at times can be a very unattractive quality), I suspect it probably had something to do with the facts that in the boots I wore today I'm over 6 feet tall, I'm slim, I'm pretty, and dammit I looked good today (let's all not be afraid to say it).
But as TM then pointed out, my admirers were "mostly girls."
Truth is, although guys probably notice too, to a lot of them (and yes, these would be the ones you'd WANT to date) I'd probably be just as cute in the sweatpants and ratty tube socks I'm wearing right now.
So this week, I'm not dressing up to attract anyone... I'm dressing up to make other chicks jealous of me. Haha. And look, I'm feeling more confident already.
Tomorrow I'm wearing fishnets.