Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My school -- but not my problem

I just got this chain email from some Comm 'O6 doinkus who has taken it upon himself to right the wrongs committed by Queen's students during Homecoming. He politely asks every Queen's student to kindly donate TEN DOLLARS to the "My School My Responsibility" fund to buy the guy whose car they trashed a new one.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't commerce students supposed to have some notion of how things that have to do with, uh you know, MONEY work?

Does he have any idea how many people there are at Queen's? Does he intend to buy the guy a f-ing LAMBORGHINI? Has he ever heard of auto insurance?

Is he joking?

He writes:

"Hey guys,
I’m writing because Queen’s is my school.  And that means that I take what happens here personally.  As such, I feel that some of what happened the Saturday night of Homecoming on Aberdeen is my responsibility. 
Right now, Kingston residents, the Kingston police, and much of our country know us as a rioting party school.  This is because on Saturday night a good Queen’s tradition went horribly wrong and ended with destruction of a stolen car belonging to Kingston resident, Bob Hanson.  Whether or not you think the situation was caused by the police, the city, or students from other schools, the fact remains that we need to take positive action to restore the reputation of our school.
On Wednesday October 5, take $10 with you as you leave for class and donate it to one of the “My School, My Responsibility” booths set up all around campus.  Every dollar raised will go towards buying Bob Hanson a new car and restoring Queen’s in the eyes of the community around it.

Jon Sinclair
Comm ‘06"

Hey Jon Sinclair,
I'm writing because Queen's is my school, and as such I chose NOT to attend the "festivities" on Aberdeen at Homecoming, because everyone KNOWS it's a freaking dumbass parade, and therefore those who attended knew full well what they were doing. I will back the city of Kingston 100% in prosecuting anyone they feel like for being stupid shits. But I WON'T give HALF MY WEEKLY GROCERY FUND to some numbnuts on a crusade without university sanction. It's called listserve jackass. I'm certainly not giving a cent to someone who uses a freaking chain letter to communicate his gallant intentions.
In addition, it's about f-ing time Queen's got kicked in the pants. It's because they make these kids feel like they're the cream of the crop (which they're not, we have just as many stupid people as any other school, see above email) that they have this attitude of f-you invincibility. Even if the WHOLE COUNTRY'S opinion of Queen's is a bit tarnished after this whole fiasco, at least it will start to approximate reality. Don't get me wrong, I like the place, but just jacking up your entrance marks doesn't equal the best university in the country. Please.
I was this close to forwarding the email to the University Principal, just to make sure she was aware of what might go down this Wednesday. Sadly I'm not a whistle blower. But I'll definitely spread the word to my nearest and dearest -- and the readers of this website, and possibly the Journal, to make sure they don't naively give away their hard earned cash to this wanker.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:54 p.m.  
Blogger Alexis said...

I'm not advertising for you just cut it out.

1:41 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alexis, PLEASE send that letter to your school newspaper! it's too perfect for that moron not to get a chance to read it!


8:16 p.m.  

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