Oh, Snap!
I've been on this whole personal crusade to save my money lately. Mostly it's because I really want to go to Germany this coming December, and also I didn't work at all this summer, and therefore have only what is leftover from this past year. Which is not a lot. My friends are coming very (annoyed-ly, I think) aware of this crusade, and keep offering to spot me for stuff, which is a bit embarassing. I'm not above spending any money at all, I just want everyone to understand that I don't have a lot to throw around, which it seems more and more that they just do.
Tonight my friend K offered to put me in a cab to get to and from the club safely so that no one would have to walk home with me. Also people kept offering to buy me drinks.
I went out with a bunch of friends I've been hanging out with since first year, as well as a bunch of people I guess they've been hanging around with since I left, because I'd never met them before and everyone else seemed well acquainted.
Everything was fine with these new people until one guy's propensity to use the words (and I apologize for content here) slut, bitch, and, in my case, dirty ho-bag to refer to women. It was something I noticed about him the minute I arrived at the party, and of course immediately got my hackles up. It was obvious he was doing it to try and be funny. Apparently he finds that sort of thing humourous. Guess how much I really don't?
The situation reached a head when he asked me and K, who were walking ahead of him, "Hey, where are you dirty ho-bags leading us?"
Without a second's hesitation, or stopping to turn and face him, I stuck out one finger and said loudly, "Yeah! Say THAT to me one more time and see how many testicles you have left at the end of the night."
He then tried the "oooh I'm so scared" routine, and I kept walking, never turning around. But I guess I got the point across because half way through the night he came over to me and tried to ask awkwardly how I was doing, to which I smiled and said "I'm just FINE thanks."
I wanted to add that he needn't worry about his testicles as long as he continued his awkward semi-kowtow, but it was quite clear that I'd freaked him out enough already.
Score one for the dirty ho-bag.
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