Saturday, October 01, 2005


On Thursday night I did something I haven't done since first year (and no V, I did not fall backward off a stage in a drunken stupor, nor eat an entire container of Ben and Jerrys, nor did I pick up in a bar -- I'm, um, over all that). I stayed up all night, and I do mean all night, writing a paper for the next day. Writing the biggest piece of crap paper ever I might add. I definitely slept for two hours.
Then, an hour after I'd been back in bed in the middle of the day, my brand new boss decided to call me into work for a couple of hours. In my exhausted retardation I started to say no, and then I was like, "What are you doing? This woman JUST hired you TWO DAYS AGO, and you're going to turn her down?"
So I put on my best server voice -- the best one I could muster under the circumstances -- and instead said "SURE! Why don't I do that? That IS a really good idea."
Now, for those of you who haven't heard my server voice, it's quite a thing to behold. I developed it when I was 17 and started working at the craptabulous Pub 101 in Guelph (I get to trash it now, I don't work there anymore). Normally my voice is pretty low for a girl. Recently someone told me that when I talk it sounds like a song. I'm pretty sure she was sort of making fun of me, but it was still a nice way of saying it.
My server voice on the other hand is a sickly-sweet, high-pitched sing-song, and every time I hear it coming out of my mouth I want to gag, or slap myself, but it's honestly beyond my control. As soon as I'm in that serving situation the voice manifests itself, and I use it to say various inane things like "Hey there, how're you doing this evening?" and "Hi-i, my name is A, what can I do for you?" and "Y'all ready? What can I get for ya?" Like I F-ing care.
I then finish up the encounter with things like "Okay! Have a GREAT evening/day/weekend/etc." Suddenly my use of the words great, awesome, nice, and thanks are used in purely literal terms, rather than my usual sarcastic sense.
It's horrifying.
Now it's almost 2:30 and instead of going back to sleep which is what I'd dearly LOVE to do right now, I'm going to go to the Film House and edit some footage I shot this week. HURRAY.
(Watch out now for increased sarcasm use to compensate for the extreme cheeriness, starting next Wednesday)


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