Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Considering the crap job I'm doing of updating lately (what do you want I don't have that kind of TIME anymore, but I will try harder I promise), I've decided that I should do a little re-cap for those who may just be tuning in, and also for myself as a sort of fresh start blogger-wise.
While trying my best not to sound like a personal ad or a lame ass profile of some sort, here are the details insofar as I am willing to divulge them:
I am a 22 year old Canadian in my last year and a half of university. People get pretty confused when I say year and a half, but it's simply because I spent last year travelling and took a semester off, leaving me with 3 semesters to finish my degree rather than just 2 (grumble grumble grumble). Also I don't want to be confused with the third years. I am a film major, which does not necessarily mean I'm going to be a loser; my best friend is JHR, who has much more direction than I do although probably more stress as a result of same; I have a boyfriend, DE, who lives in Germany, much to my great dismay, but who might just be amazing enough for me to overlook that fact; I live with three guys: Av, and two characters who will make their first appearances here, TM and MHs. We're considering starting a new sitcom entitled "Three Guys, A Girl, and a Tiny Space." Too bad Ryan Reynolds wasn't available to take part...
I just got a job at a bakery, for which my roommates are eternally grateful to their various Gods.
I'm a confirmed cynic (obviously), a reluctant poet, and a complete a/v geek.
On the darker side, I have a minor Buffy the Vampire Slayer obsession which is becoming more and more difficult to admit to as I get older, but I stand by her; I am allergic to antibiotics, which makes me feel like one of those bubble people, and terrified when I get sick; and I suffer from an anxiety disorder which I'm making progress towards getting in hand.
I read dooce everyday as part of my daily de-angsting. For some reason she calms me down, which is weird for someone I've never met.
And finally, this weekend while the Queen's rats were rioting, I was definitely asleep on my couch. Just for all y'all who saw it on every national newscast and were worried about me. Never fear, I did not get slammed in the head by a horse, a beer bottle, or a police baton. So that's cool.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for the job! Congrats!

7:26 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmm bakery.. why am i wasting my time trying to get a job at the library??

anyway, glad to hear you weren't out rioting. when it was on the news my mom was like "OH NO!!!!" and looked at me all concerned-like. but it didn't really look like your scene, anyway.


11:52 a.m.  

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