Saturday, December 31, 2005

I know, I know, I KNOW... SHUT UP!

Okay so M&C has been on hiatus. But HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! For those of you in N-Am I've beaten you by about 6 hours. So there. My New Year came before your New Year na-na-na-na-naaah.
New Year's in Munich has been much as I expected. Many nerve-grinding loud bangs from all the firecrackers being set off in the street, people swigging from open bottles of champagne or sparkling wine, and general pandemonium.
This year as opposed to last year however, there were fewer firecrackers aimed at my head, and guys in really bad snowflake sweaters saying "But you're not going NOW are you?"
Yes. I am definitely going NOW.
When I got home at 4am I phoned home only to have my phone picked up by some chick (okay, not SOME chick, admittedly Kirsten whom I suppose has been known to me for quite some time now, cheers) -- this irrefutably indicates to me that my brother's having some sort of gathering in the basement, and that my parents are not home.
No matter, if I'm up late enough I'll try again. For now, however, hope everyone has held true to their vows up until this moment anyway, and that everyone is well, yadda yadda.


Thursday, December 22, 2005


What strange words these Germans have. Today walking around the shops I was reminded of the word for change room. "Anprobe."
As in, "Excuse me, could you put these in the anprobe for me?"
Imagine walking through a store with your boyfriend, picking something up to try on and saying, "Honey, could you just wait a minute? I'm going to nip into the anprobe."
Last year my brother was delighted with the name of the hardware store near our apartment. "Sückfull." And this year before I left home, my mother instructed me to pick her up a specific size of candle for a Christmas decoration she bought last December. "I think I enventually found them at the suckfull," she said.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dear Prof. B.

Thank you SO much for your SECOND note about the 4th year film course you'll be teaching me next semester. I hadn't been made EXHAUSTIVELY aware of how much work I can look forward to in January, but now I can safely say I have. Now, instead of being left blissfully ignorant of the mountains of stress I'll be dealing with in your course when I get back to school, let alone the three other courses I'll have to worry about, I can let that thought fester in the back of my mind for the REST of my Holiday vacation. FANTASTIC. I really DO appreciate your thoughtfulness. Thank you also for your closing wishes to "enjoy the rest of my down time." I'll be certain to be able to do that, with the helpful reminders you have now sent to me twice.
Rest assured that your words have in NO WAY terrified me into logging into qcard IMMEDIATELY to drop your course on its ass. On the contrary, the two emails have made me ecstatically apprehensive, as you obviously are, of all the FUN LEARNING we are sure to do together.
Thanks again for your nothing if PREMATURE overtures.

Sarcastically yours,

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Cross my heart and hope to die

I am writing something to post, I am I really am

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Leaving on a jet plane... again

Let's count the number of planes I've been on in the last 18 months... hmmm... 1, 2, ... 15. Yes. 15 planes I think is our grand total, and tonight I'm about to board the 16th. Why can't I just stay put? I've only been home for 4 months and I'm off again?
Well, I think that when I get home in January I'll probably have my feet firmly planted in Canadian soil for a good year anyway. I think. Probably.
Anyway, next time I update I will most likely be in Germany!


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Checking it twice

My mother was telling an anecdote yesterday of how when she was asking my brother if he had a strategy to start studying he had quipped, "Well I haven't got a colour-coded list or anything."


This was of course a reference (a SARCASTIC reference) to my list-making, colour-coding tendencies... jerk.
I don't colour-code ALL my lists.
(TM will be remarking here "yeah, but you write 'eat lunch' as one of your bullets...")
So I need to remind myself of things, so I'm organized, so I'm slightly OCD, and very anally retentive. So what?
Later that night my mom was wondering where the Christmas cards had gone when we unpacked the house this Fall. I perked right up.
A: "I know where the Christmas cards are."
M: "Really? where?"
A: "They're in the chest in the front hall."
M: "How do you know that?"
A: "I unpacked them before I left for school."
M: "Out of what boxes?"
A: "The ones marked 'Chest in Front Hall.'"
M: "Oh."
A: "In fact I can probably tell you exactly where in the drawers they are."
M: "I know, your list of each drawer's contents is in the top drawer."
A: "It's not colour-coded."

Friday, December 09, 2005


Praise be I'm so f-ing done! Huzzah Huzzah.

Monday, December 05, 2005


What is that noise? you guys are insane

sincerely your friend from the bottom floor (i.e. the
one underneath all the stomping)


I know not of what you write.

All is calm and tame in the upper realm.

Maybe the mice are getting bigger?
Bwaa ha ha...

What mice? I hear nothing.


You suck.


P.S. Jackass.

TM and V create a FABULOUS dance routine


It pretty much involved TM standing still and attempting not to slosh his beer while V danced around him. Just one of the highlights of the Co-op Semi-formal this weekend. More incredible photography at flickr.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Dear Mr. Lives-Next-Door-and-Has-No-Life

Don't you EVER leave your room? Don't you EVER think that maybe the thin wall separating our houses might discourage the constant playing of very loud music?
I admire your ecclectic and wide ranging musical collection (actually, most of it I really don't, but even if you had the biggest collection of ceramic owls, I'd still admire the magnitude, even if I thought you were nuts), however I don't understand your need to play it at such volumes, or for such extended periods of time. Seriously, you need to leave that room. By now it's probably developing a wicked funk, and besides, YOU'RE DRIVING ME INSANE, NOT TO MENTION THE PEOPLE READING THIS BECAUSE I WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT.
I realize that the fact that your music drives me to these points of intense frustration denotes the amount of time I spend in MY room. This in no way reflects on the state of my life, but rather points to the fact that I have two 10 page essays due in under 6 days, and I would like to finish them and get back to that life which I have ASAP, and your incessant guitar riffs and subwoofer are making that very difficult, and OH MY GOD FAT BOY SLIM YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.


Oh Wait... I CAN do that

amateur porn night

Thanks once again to flickr.
All dressed up and making a movie.

The thing about Yahoo! avatars

Well, yes, I'm using an image link to show my avatar up here, so everytime I change my picture, all the links I have change the picture too, so it always looks exactly the same. I could fix this, if blogger would provide me with a picture program like they have for PC's, but sad sad Mac always comes in the rear, so for now I've stuck it over in the corner and it'll change there when I change it.
Of course, if there was a program for mac I could put up ACTUAL pictures of myself instead of using an avatar.
Ho hum.

Friday, December 02, 2005


For those of you just tuning in this morning, it is 11:04 and I have officially been done the semester's classes for HALF AN HOUR!

I think I shall celebrate in the following ways:

- promptly going back to bed
- doing dishes
- doing laundry
- cleaning my room
- writing an essay

Actually, maybe I'll just stop at that first one and never wake up again...
Seriously though, I am totally psyched to be done, it's been one heck of a ride (not over JUST yet) and I am relieved not to have to see any of those filmie faces for at least another month.
Also, in addition to my glorious bed-lazing today (and all those other things, I actually have to do those too...) we are all going to the mall tonight EN MASSE. We may actually fill an entire bus. Joking, but there's lots of us, and it's going to be fun, the masses distracting from the fact that we're succumbing to our consumer impulses. Which actually isn't such a bad thing since the aforementioned essay is actually entirely to do with my consumer impulses, which since September, besides hunting down the cheapest brand of toilet paper, and demanding a shipment of Heinz Tomato soup from my parents, have been absolutely nil.
I'm going to buy jeans, and eat terrible mall Chinese food, and soak up the North American crazed consumer holiday atmosphere until I've had my fill and can leave this country without missing that, at least.
It's a wonderful day.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Testing my avatar

Yahoo! Avatars

This could potentially be fun. It's like having a virtual barbie doll -- of yourself.

av·a·tar: Pronunciation Key (av-uh-tär) n. 1. The incarnation of a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form. 2. An embodiment, as of a quality or concept; an archetype: the very avatar of cunning. 3. A temporary manifestation or aspect of a continuing entity: occultism in its present avatar. 4. An image representing a user in a multi-user virtual reality.

Obviously I am very bored.

Yahoo! Avatars