Saturday, December 31, 2005

I know, I know, I KNOW... SHUT UP!

Okay so M&C has been on hiatus. But HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! For those of you in N-Am I've beaten you by about 6 hours. So there. My New Year came before your New Year na-na-na-na-naaah.
New Year's in Munich has been much as I expected. Many nerve-grinding loud bangs from all the firecrackers being set off in the street, people swigging from open bottles of champagne or sparkling wine, and general pandemonium.
This year as opposed to last year however, there were fewer firecrackers aimed at my head, and guys in really bad snowflake sweaters saying "But you're not going NOW are you?"
Yes. I am definitely going NOW.
When I got home at 4am I phoned home only to have my phone picked up by some chick (okay, not SOME chick, admittedly Kirsten whom I suppose has been known to me for quite some time now, cheers) -- this irrefutably indicates to me that my brother's having some sort of gathering in the basement, and that my parents are not home.
No matter, if I'm up late enough I'll try again. For now, however, hope everyone has held true to their vows up until this moment anyway, and that everyone is well, yadda yadda.



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