Saturday, December 10, 2005

Checking it twice

My mother was telling an anecdote yesterday of how when she was asking my brother if he had a strategy to start studying he had quipped, "Well I haven't got a colour-coded list or anything."


This was of course a reference (a SARCASTIC reference) to my list-making, colour-coding tendencies... jerk.
I don't colour-code ALL my lists.
(TM will be remarking here "yeah, but you write 'eat lunch' as one of your bullets...")
So I need to remind myself of things, so I'm organized, so I'm slightly OCD, and very anally retentive. So what?
Later that night my mom was wondering where the Christmas cards had gone when we unpacked the house this Fall. I perked right up.
A: "I know where the Christmas cards are."
M: "Really? where?"
A: "They're in the chest in the front hall."
M: "How do you know that?"
A: "I unpacked them before I left for school."
M: "Out of what boxes?"
A: "The ones marked 'Chest in Front Hall.'"
M: "Oh."
A: "In fact I can probably tell you exactly where in the drawers they are."
M: "I know, your list of each drawer's contents is in the top drawer."
A: "It's not colour-coded."


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