Friday, May 28, 2004

All the Money in the World

That was a demand, not a request...

You know, the more I think about it... the more I really want to document on film everything that I'm doing next year... I could send it home to Karoline and she could put it on vhs and distribute. I could make it like an hour-long show every month or something. A tone a little off-beat, a little unconventional in style.
But I need to buy a DV cam to do that, and probably pirate some better software on my mac. On top of that, I want to get a digital camera, so I can post my photos to the web while I'm away, because come on, how cool would that be?
And THEN, I want to get a little mp3 player, so that my family can have music...
And I want new jeans.

Oh lord, I'm a child of the technological age. I crave it like a crack baby.

Whine whine whine.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

How cute am I? Posted by Hello

Slowly, slowly

Making improvements... you like? I thought so.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Fuck the world

What do you do when shit happens? Scuttle along and shoulder it? Or fight the fuck back?
I say enough of option a) and more of column b). And as always, I say we start with feminism. Just fucking try it, I could so kick ass right now.

And here's a girl who does

Thursday, May 20, 2004

The Last Look

There is a couple that I see most mornings as I walk into work. The woman works in the building, and the man does not, but walks her as far as the driveway. Then they walk along and watch eachother walking away... taking turns looking back and looking away. It reminds me of that scene in Meet Joe Black (the second) right before we see Brad Pitt fly flailing over the hoods of a couple of cars. Anyway, neither of the people I'm talking about get bulldozed... actually the whole thing is kind of cute.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that I am feeling a little disturbed that they're spraying a pesticide on the grounds here called Killex. Yeah, Killex. It sounds so sinister... I don't really think I want anything being sprayed into my immediate environment called Killex. Killed! Exed!! Bwahahahaaaaa.


Friday, May 14, 2004

Time Police

Headline News: Time Police to Change the Setting of the Sun

"...don't you guys wish there was a time police who could give time tickets for moving too much under the speed limit? Seriously, this hour is doing 30 in a 50. It's obstructing traffic, damnit, and I want justice."

So began the development of the Time Police, a regimented body of defense dedicated to the regulation and control of the flow of Time, and those persons guilty of Time-related offences (see Article 2.7 of the Time Offenders Identification Manual). Under this new regime, time would never again a) fly, b) stand still, c)be wasted, or d)be turned back. Although the TP's introduction was well recieved by most, some select groups were not as impressed with the proposed control. Most notably, the Executive Directo of the Organization for the Equal Treatment of Plastic Surgeon's had this to say, "The Time Police will be the end of my profession!"

Please see TIME on page D12

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Who is the who who is the who?

You two were the two who were the two!

Every day, I walk past the same squashed squirrel in the parking lot on my way to work. Every day, it gets a little flatter, and looks a little more like a circle of furry leather. Everyday, I can smell it a little more on the breeze. It occupies an entire parking space, because who wants to park in the space with the flat smelly circle of leather?
So my question is this: Who is responsible for cleaning up road kill (or, uh, parking lot kill)? And who is responsible for telling that who about the parking lot refuse?
Who is the who who tells the first who what to do?

It is a dilemma.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Mr. Poulain

Mr. Poulain n'aime pas: Pisser à coté de quel qu'un...

This I do not understand: How do you carry on a conversation with someone, while sitting side by side in bathroom stalls, and peeing? So many people seem able to do it here... and it's just.... so WEIRD! It requires, I believe, a level of un-self-consciousness (self-unconsciousness? ;P) which I seem to lack. I guess the next time I'm peeing next to someone I should try and strike up a convo with them: "Hey there! Where ya from? Come here often?"


Thursday, May 06, 2004

Just a little note

Day 4 of gov. job

Current activity: Listening to admin staff describe hot flashes - "I was like totally naked and sweat was dripping out of my ears!"

Note to self: die before menses does.