re: last post.
Yesterday was the 8 month milestone... I remember because we hooked up on a friend's b-day. 8 months, but no one realizes but me.
Ah who gives a shit anyway?
The moon is nothing but a circumambulating aphrodisiac, divinely subsidized to provoke the world into a rising birth rate. ~ Christopher Fry
re: last post.
... and that's the worst way to have a day.
My forearms and shins and hips are marked by those mystery bruises. You know the ones, small and round, and you can't remember for the life of you what you walked into. The kind of bruises you get when you're so distracted with the rest of the world, and on your period, and generally never getting as much sleep as you rightfully deserve, that you could walk into the side of a parked car and continue dreamily trying to step through it until some one kindly takes you by the arm and leads you safely across the street (don't laugh). The kind of bruises you get when you start to resemble one of those wind-up robots that keeps on motoring forward, no matter what gets in its path. You know those robots that if you stand them on their heads try to walk on air.
Well, Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Here's hoping you had lots to be thankful for this weekend. I'm glad and relieved to say that I did, and do. There always seems to be so much pressure on one to be happy on holidays such as these, not to mention the big X-holiday, and it makes it ten times more miserable if you aren't. I wish I could wipe last Christmas and New Year's from my memory. However, though it has much to make up for and redeem, this coming holiday season (yes it's coming!) has promise.
... there was a mighty volleyball match. The winner got to say a speech at the interschool speech competition. The volleyball game was to decide the second place winner as two had tied in the class vote (because a naive little girl had thoughtfully not voted for herself). The idealistic teacher had (randomly) divided the class into two teams. The naive little girl (okay, it's me) got the team with all the younger kids, who were unco-ordinated, the scrawny kids, who couldn't hit the ball, and the fat kids who couldn't move. All her friends were put on the other team, the older kids (who were co-ordinated, could hit the ball, and could also move). Half way through the game, saddened by the unfairness of it all (after all, her excellent speech was on dragons, who doesn't want to hear about dragons?), the girl started to cry. Her team sucked. Seeing this, one of her very closest friends (to this day), came up to serve... and botched all his serves on purpose, much to the anger of the teacher. The game was, of course, supposed to be played fair.