Monday, September 25, 2006

A week or two

Hmm, where have I been? To tell the truth I don't even know myself. Trying to find a footing, trying to find a groove, and an armhole -- so as to stick my hand out of my alternate universe and give a good wave once in a while. Here I am, still here, still alive... and back in we go.
I celebrate my return with my usual Qn's complaints (i.e. how do so many fashion victims exist together in such a small place? how did I come to be here?), and a slightly sham-ed admission to owning skinny jeans... Hee hee.

I do however have a couple of specific requests to make of the University community:
- Attn: Qn's underdressed, overdone sweethearts -
You're wearing scarves with flip-flops. Think about this. Relinquish the sandals! This is not the O.C., and Summer does not appreciate the death grip. Also, you look dumb.
- Attn: First-year students -
Bikes still count as vehicles. You wouldn't step off the curb in front of a car (well that's really more of a testable hypothesis than a conclusion); stop walking in front of bikes - mine in particular. I am not afraid to hit you and/or yell at you. Whichever is more convenient.

Ah, the daily dose of venom. It takes my mind, for two seconds or so, off the fact that I am in danger of pulling off a resounding victory in the Mr./Ms. Snorkathon pageant that's currently going on in the library and lecture halls of this institution (Happy Autumn! here, take a free a cold) and sadly in need of clean underwear.

I'm for the washing machine!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Song of the Day

Ruby Blue ~ Roisin Murphy

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Lengths to Which I Will Go to Ultimately Prove Someone Wrong Have No Bounds

And it was suddenly very important that you hear this song, and that I triumph over technology for the second time today.
I am still master (mistress sounds sooo Dom/Sub) of my own reality -- and no one who was not in my lecture today will understand that completely, except maybe V.

Catch My Disease ~ Ben Lee (in which he does not, you will notice, mention pussy cat dolls)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Alternate

I'm back... but to what I have returned I'm still not quite sure. Either I've returned to reality, or I've left it behind. Or it's split in two. I feel as though I have been in some bubble where my attention was completely focussed on this one set of circumstances and that was all that mattered, nothing else, and now I've flipped around to face a completely different set.
I'm having difficulty adjusting, orienting, and expressing myself.
And difficulty thinking of anything entertaining to say.
I think I need about a week.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Dad's Tip of the Day

Planning parties with my parents is always so much fun -- and so full of tangents. You can just sit back with a pen and paper and write down the list of what they think you should serve (always the best ideas) and at the same time write down things that you're going to record in your memoirs when you're a 30 year-old millionaire (!) only to have them cry that you've misrepresented them. Tee hee.

A: Should I put the bottles of vodka in the freezer?
M: Yeah I suppose you could do.
A: I want to do that thing that Martha Stewart does.
D: Go to prison?
A: YES!... no. That thing with the bottle of vodka and the milk carton and dried flowers.
M: Oh yeah.
D: You know, insider trading is actually a really good idea! IF you don't get caught.