I don't even know where to begin so I'm just going to jump right in:
1. I have quit my job. I feel just like Dorothy.
2. On my last day of work
three crazy people showed up and attacked me in Joey's. It was all a big
conspiracy. TM is still working off his debt.
3. I have actual legitimate reasons for not blogging lately! I have completed and uploaded my own portfolio site. It will be live as early as tomorrow afternoon, as soon as my domain name has been "propagated throughout the main Internet servers." I don't really know what this means, except that maybe my web hosting service is sending a memo to God on my behalf?... That was a joke.
When its genetic material is finished being incorporated you'll be able to access it at firstnamelastname.ca (For those of you who haven't had your double shot mocha latte yet this morning, that was a code, to continue my attempt at anonymity). I'm excited!
4. I had a job interview yesterday for a job which I wasn't really sure I wanted, but now that I have more details, I really REALLY want indeed. Which is just SO annoying - now I have to be all nervous about whether or not I get it.
5. Having now been unemployed for exactly two weeks today, I have finished the following projects, in addition to the aforementioned website:
TM's Christmas Stocking
My Christmas Stocking
This faceless doll... okay, this one isn't done, but I just thought it looked cute sitting in the sun. And maybe a little bit morbid.
In addition to these, I have also finished my purple sweater with hand-carved buttons (not hand-carved by me, just knitted by me), a giant bag of natural sliver (is now in neat skeins), and this morning I even gave my
wheel some much needed maintenance.
Right now, I am, as TM and I would say, a dynamo!