Because I am still recovering from the fact that two weeks of holidays have just passed us by so quickly that I’m fairly sure I left the scrabbling marks of dragging fingernails upon them, and because, being back as I am in the scintillating world of news releases and mailings, I have nothing interesting to report, I’ve decided to look over my posts from the last year and enjoy a little 20/20 hindsight. My hypothesis is that my clearer vision will reveal the following: I was a crappy poster (i.e. one who posts) in 2007. In fact, I only posted 55 times last year, an rough average of 4.6 posts per month. Shameful really, but let’s take a look at what we were doing, shall we?
January: I packed three or four very heavy suitcases, moved across the country and in with TM, and we spent a month and a half furnishing the barren apartment which he had been squatting in for two months waiting for my arrival. I always thought buying furniture would be sort of fun. I tell you now, it is not. For various reasons, we no longer patronize Ikea. In between shopping expeditions, I had a string of very bizarre job interviews.
February: My joblessness began to wear thin. Mostly because I started to actually RUN OUT of things to watch on YouTube. Also I had no money. In the middle of the month I accepted a job offer and became a payed member of Lung World.
March: I started work on the 5th of March, two days before TM’s birthday and at the beginning of his “Birth Week,” an event that was celebrated with two different cakes. Now of course I will have cause to regret those cakes – never in our long life together will we be able to celebrate his birthday with fewer than two cakes. In fact, it may end up that I have to top those cakes every year. By the time we’re 65, I’ll have to start baking mid February, two cakes a day, and freezing them in the special walk-in freezer we’ll have installed in the basement for the purpose.
Also this month TM went to Washington for a week and left me all alone. Thankfully YouTube had done some updating by then.
April: This month I installed Google Analytics and started staring back at you. This was also the beginning of my love/hate relationship with the Vancouver Transit system. This morning on my way to work I decided that really? I just hate it. But then the second day after our return from two weeks in Ontario was never going to be an “up” day for me anyway.
We also visited Vancouver Island and played in the model village at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria.
May: In May I received my new passport, which I had only been waiting for for 6 months. It was awesome. They sent my other documents back separately, and mis-labelled the envelope so badly that for a while I thought someone might have stolen my identity.
This was also the month in which I first conceived of starting our new website – design starts this month! I am in no way a procrastinator. I just like my ideas to mature. You know, like cheese. It took us until August to think of a name.
June/July: June and July were the months of visitors. Lots and lots of visitors. To them we owe our extensive knowledge of this city and the merit of its various attractions. I also blame them for the fact that I only posted twice – in two months…
August: This was the month of the tailless raccoon. What? Yes that’s right, the tailless raccoon. No jokes, people actually visited my sight because I had mentioned a TERRIFYING tailless raccoon that had chased me out of Stanley Park. I still cannot stomach raccoons. I think they’ve been added to my skunk list. Heh heh, that could mean so many things.
I was also very bored this month, and feeling guilty about my lack of posting in June/July, and realizing that developing this new website in my spare time would take more effort than I had heretofore allotted to it. Behold! It has yet to exist.
September: This month I turned 24 and fell in a ditch. But that was not a causal relationship right there. I just like to say that abruptly to see people’s reactions. You fell in a ditch? Did I just hear you correctly. Amusingly, the thing that Z&A find most amusing about that story is the fact that my coworker automatically assumed that my screaming and disappearance from the side of the road (into the ditch) was actually caused by my being dragged away into the bushes by a gigantic dog. Right now they’re reading this and giggling again.
Other features of the month included my sprained rotator cuff, and my spectacular office wipe out. Also, my spinning class!
October: We went away this month, and I all but abandoned my posting. Then we came back and decided to get married.
November: This month I decided to pull up the shades here at M&C. Not to the extent that I would start (hopefully) to hurt people’s feelings, but to the extent where I could stop feeling like I had a strangle hold on the content of this site. Who knows if I’ll stick to it?
December: It snowed here in Vancouver on the first of December, and briefly, just long enough to buy a Christmas tree, we felt the Christmas spirit. Then we lost it when it started to rain again. December was a jittery dance of having too much free time at work, and not enough free time at home. I read a lot of websites for 8 hours of the day, and then baked cookies and ran errands like a crazy person once I got home.
January 2008: This week, TM has been begging me to PLEASE take a break from knitting, as I no longer have Christmas looming over me and it doesn’t MATTER if the stockings are finished or not. I’m not inclined to argue. This week, all I feel like doing is lying in bed from the time I get home until I have to get back up in the morning. Soon, soon I’ll get over it.