I did have something to write here last week, but it obviously wasn’t that important because it completely escapes me now. Instead I’ll just give you a general update as to the state of things right now. Anything, really, to put space between the top of the page and that angry rant in the previous post. Anger, sarcasm, and spleen are all useful things when venting, but ultimately they are poisonous, and although I am still fervent about the points I made, I’d like to bump the whole thing a little further down the list. So, I begin:
1. I’m having that age old problem with Time. I’d really like the current Time to speed up so we could get to the weekend a little faster. But then of course, once at the weekend, I’d prefer it if Time would let off a little speed and proceed at a leisurely, even imperceptible, pace through the holidays. Essentially, it’s like I want to accelerate towards a stop light.
2. I spent all day yesterday in what someone with less strength of character than I might call an agony of back pain. I, however, will simply say that I was in a great amount of discomfort – especially at 4:30 am Tuesday, when I woke up suddenly and found I could not move anything from the waist up because of the searing pain. This of course intensified my problem re: update 1.
3. I finished my Christmas shopping on Friday, December 14th, which I think might be a record for me. I am also nearly finished my crafting – in large part due to the fact that I spent most of yesterday lying on my back staring up at knitting needles.
4. On Saturday I stood in my kitchen in my red apron and made 6 different kinds of Christmas cookies. My freezer is now at capacity. I asked TM later that day if I could have another suitcase entirely for cookies. He apparently has no issue with this as he intends to consume most of my product. I have been assured by various people that bringing boxes of cookies to Ontario with me in my suitcase is not insane. I am suspicious that these people are a) smiling and nodding at me, or b) intent on cookie consumption themselves. Tonight I am making lemon squares.
5. Today my office Secret Santa left a collection of cookie cutters on my desk. They are too late! However, since the cookie cutters are transportation-themed, it is unlikely they would have fit in with my stars, stockings and polar bears.
The back of the package advises me: “Use this cookie cutter to make pastry cut-outs to decorate the pie. Place cutter over the rolled-out dough, press slightly to cut out shapes, and attach to pie crust. Great for schools, teachers, daycares.”
Unfortunately, I have none of these things. Nor do I know to which pie they are referring. So I can not decorate it. Thankfully however, I do have a TM at home, and there is definitely a rocket-ship-shaped cookie cutter that will be very appreciated chez nous. I will store it with the dinosaur-shaped ones.