The supportive anonymous comment on the last post WAS TM SUPPORTING HIMSELF ANONYMOUSLY. How did I find this out? You may not know this about TM, but he cannot lie to a direct question. So the conversation went a little something like this:
Did you see the comments on the post today?
Yes I did.
Did you see there was someone who agreed with you?
Yes I did.
Was it you?
Yes it was.
I always feel like when I go on blogging hiatus that I should apologize when I get back. But you know what? I've been stressed out, there's been a lot going on, and I'm not going into it, because none of it do I particularly feel like reliving.
Holy awesome Batman! The first of our summer visitors arrived this week, as did MY VERY FIRST CREDIT CARD and my tax return. So not only are people coming to see me, I can TOTALLY show them a good time when they do. The other implication of my new-found wealth is that I can soon immigrate to my new website. Something I've just been mulling over is going to become a reality, and I have to say I'm pretty excited about this project.
Yesterday I had a VERY CLOSE ENCOUNTER with probably around more than eight and a half raccoons in Stanley Park (the scariest one was missing a tail, he was the scrapper). Fortunately I was rescued from my hysterics by my brother and his friend, who calmed me down, and put themselves between me and the raccoons, and very helpfully laughed whenever I saw another one and started yelping "Oh my god! Oh my god!" Of course, my brother did have a small hand in creating the state of hysteria by pointing behind us and saying "Look Lex! the tailless one is following us!!" I think that was the point where I really lost it.
The giant "Danger. Rabies." signs didn't help much either.
Yay wildlife!