Saturday, December 11, 2004

More Interesting -- ta daah!

Today we went to Salzburg (Austria) -- my second weekend car trip in a row being completely hungover in transit. This time big lunch was salad instead of meat -- probably a better choice in the long run. Anyway, enough about me, let's talk about Salzburg. Apparently a notice went out to the entire world today that the party was in Salzburg, the place was PACKED with Americans (feeling better listening to them drawl, because they can't POSSIBLY masquerade as Canadians talking like that, I've decided) Japanese, Italians (lots of Italians?), and also the entire native population of the city, all walking around with rosy cheeks and well-oiled eyes.
So, not so much fun, AND my incredibly organized and not-drunken family FREAKING FORGOT THE CAMERA, so I've got absolutely nothing to show for all our efforts today. If I had been here to get them out the door this morning, instead of at D&R's you can be sure there would be new pictures up on the site. But never mind. We finally got back to the car, with my right knee bleeding up a storm from the interior, put in my earphones and spent the whole ride home blissfully ignorant of all other sounds and watching the colours change behind my eyelids.
When we got back J and I met the Canadians who live down the hall from us who informed us that their 21 year old son is coming for Christmas. Sooo... J and I have got ourselves our very own Munich protege! Now WE get to be the savvy ones in the city.
Tonight, after we do an Econ party thing, we're going clubbing with MR and co. Unfortunately knee will be in very bad shape. My Grandmother asked me if my knees like to dance, and I said no, they don't, but I do, so they just have to deal.
I am so spending part of my life in a wheel chair. But hey shake it while you got it, right?
Tomorrow is so going to be rough. Will have to hobble around with knees bent and head in hands. Never mind.

I'm suddenly realizing that more people read this thing than I thought. So I've spruced it up a bit. New links, new quote at the bottom of the page. Will also add more pictures of MOI, as soon as I don't look near death.

Am now completely rambling.

Had a thought today, maybe the reason that so many Americans are so strange (not saying all, or even a majority, don't get me wrong here guys) is that they don't let people drink until they're 21. It's like enforced developmental retardation. Ils le font exprès pour les contrôler, parce que tout le monde sait qu'avec l'alcool vient des idées libres, et cela, ça ne va pas. I'm sure all the American youngsters reading this will agree whole-heartedly...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, wheelchair dancing can still be pretty hot.. as long as theres enough room

11:34 a.m.  

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