Saturday, December 04, 2004

What not to do...

when you're hungover... again:
Wake up after 5 hours of sleep and phone family to pick you up for day driving in standard transmission car on very windy roads while sitting between grandmother and brother who is sleeping with mouth open snoring and head on your shoulder.

Dude, you better not f-ing drool on me.

Results of having done said inadvisable thing:
Reached restaurant for lunch STARVING for hangover food (meat!) and extremely nauseous. Only kept from throwing up in the bushes by extreme strength of will or act of god. Ate HUMUNGOUS meaty lunch and developed catatonic state (with posing) wherein could not actually form words. Is a funny thing when you open your mouth to speak, and nothing resembling any of the languages you have EVER learned is emitted. Shakes. Lots of shakes. After lunch, in department store get completely freaked out by mannequins, who seem to move...

And J f-ing drooled on me.

Awesome. Am going out again tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

N - Drool is just a sign of affection. Thats how I know your dog likes me alot

1:33 p.m.  

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