Friday, December 10, 2004

Alcoholic Cooking

Def'n: 1. Preparation of food items involving the liberal application of alcohol to the food. Results in deliciously rich foods such as trifle, marinated pork tenderloin, etc.

2. Preparation of food items involving the liberal application of alcohol to the chefs. Results in virgin trifle because the chefs were too soused to remember to apply the sherry to the second layer of trifle and not to themselves. Other side effects may be helpless giggling on the kitchen floor, door-slamming so that guests cannot hear said giggling, and desperate sprints to the toilet to relieve pressure of laughing from bladder.

So the past few days I've been helping D get ready for this v. big dinner party, held last night, and working very hard to assuage the guilt of her soon-to-come outrageous phone bill which is entirely my fault ("I hope it's a funny aneurism"). Wednesday night, after we got back from dinner, where I had abstained, but D&R had not, we cracked open a bottle of fizzy wine and got down to some serious trifle-making. Needless to say it got a bit silly.

Anyway, got to sleep at 2am, thanks to said phone bill... awful awful, and woke up at 8:30 to list left by D of what I was supposed to do. So, showered, did not eat, put on cd player (had no pocket to put it in, so stuck it down the back of my pants... I know, hot), and worked from 9 until 1, at which point I was about to collapse and there was no tape to wrap the presents anyway. So -- went to Karstadt where bought tape and also baguette and camembert (my current downfall). On way out of Ubahn station was smiled at and approached by very respectable but strange young man with some request, God knows what, I honestly feel like I've got a permanent sign on my forehead that says "Ask me! I MUST know." But anyway, did not stop to help, and he left me alone with a little bow and "Ah, so." Got back, fell asleep on couch after wrapping presents in front of Room Raiders (awful, bleh), then ate.

All of which now I'm realizing is a very boring story.
So, guests did not leave until 2, D and I in our incredible state of exhaustion went to sleep at 1. This morning got up and cleaned up, putting apartment back into some semblance of normalcy while D arranged her clients' bills. She still has not packed for Fiji, but at least DE has finished his work and made the train (bravo! I understand this is such a feat for him -- teasing, teasing), so now his mother can relax slightly. Myself, am completely "knackered" as they say, and have been left here by family, who have gone to Nymphemburg Palace, and in atonement for staying here and having a nap, I will do -- guess what? -- MORE housework. Hurrah. Must go put laundry in, and vacuum. Am so impressed with self am so dutiful, and responsible. Think will go out tonight and reward alcoholic cooking with party. MR had better not be working.

Funnier post next time when not completely retarded (f being PC anyway).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was probably trying to tell you 'Miss! Look! Your cd player has fallen down the back of your pants!'

Nymphenburg palace.. sounds like a mystical castle... or a big brothel

9:33 a.m.  

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