Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Like Sand Through the Hourglass...

My time here is running out. This occurred to me as I left my final film class for the year two minutes ago, and I realized that when I come back, no one is going to remember me... hee hee, much as this is weird, I'm excited about it as well. I'm going to be the mysterious chick! Like, WOOAH, what happened to her?
Countdown: one exam tonight, one oral exam tomorrow night, and I'm done classes. Next week one essay, one exam, and I'm done my second year. Pretty sweet, home in time for Easter, or Christian celebration of spring equinox... which ever way you look at it.


Friday, March 12, 2004

Jet plane

So for those of you who haven't heard (and actually read this) I got accepted to my first choice university in Australia, ANU, for my exchange in Feb. 2005. Yeah me!
Now obviously all I can think about is the coming departure in Sept. All I can talk about too.
Be aware, I'll be using this page as a travel-log, so when I'm gone it'll be totally worthwile checking this out for my zany adventures, of which there are sure to be many.

Stay tuned.