Curiouser and Curiouser
I checked my google analytics yesterday, just for interest’s sake, and was pleasantly surprised to see my hits have remained pretty constant, despite my fabulous lack of productivity over the last couple of months. Thanks for the visits guys, even though I haven’t been living up to them.
Trolling through my keywords, I noticed that an individual in Reno, Nevada (of all places) came upon my site by googling ‘tailless raccoons.’ Fascinating! If that person happens perchance to return here, I’d LOVE to know the impetus behind the search.
TM’s dramatization of the event goes something like this:
TM’s low voice: “I saw a tailless raccoon on the road last night.”
TM’s high feminized voice (the one he uses when he’s mocking me): “It was probably a dog.”
TM’S LV: “No, it was definitely a tailless raccoon.”
TM’S HFV: “There’s no such thing as a tailless raccoon.”
TM’S LV: “Of course there is.”
TM’S HFV: “I’m telling you, there isn’t.”
TM’S LV: “There is!”
TM’S HFV: “There isn’t!”
TM’S LV: “That’s it! I’m googling it!”
It was very impressive. And I would be pretty satisfied with that explanation. Unless of course the actual googler would like to come forward and give the explanation that is NOT based on a regularly occurring conversation in my household. That would also be okay. Of course, I understand that in my little corner of the net, the likelihood of someone visiting me TWICE from Reno, Nevada, is very slim.
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