Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Reading my new library book

If you plan to use all text as your logo, be very conscious of your type choice (duh). As a general rule, don't use any font that is built into your computer. Buy a new one.

Be especially wary of Helvetica (Arial is also Helvetica, it's just called another name). Helvetica was the most popular typeface in the world in the 1960s and '70s, so anything you create with it automatically has a '60s/'70s look. Do you want the same visual identity as thousands of other companies and organizations who still have their Helvitica logos held over from the '70s?

While we're on the font soapbox, please avoid Sand, Mistral, and Hobo for the next fifty years.


Amen, brother.

Taken from: Robin Williams Design Workshop 2nd Edition, by Robin Williams and John Tollett


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