Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Time to make fun of some British Columbians

So, I don't know if you know this, if you're in any other province, but up until a week and a half ago, I was wearing a coat to work.
With socks, and shoes, and long sleeves, and pants.
Because it was still COLD.
A week and a half ago I was moaning, and everyone was moaning, because it was the end of June and it was still so COLD. And I was moaning even louder than everybody else because people kept phoning from Ontario to tell me how HOT they were. And I was all, TM, why did we come here?
Then, THEN, it got warm. I personally believe that my mom brought the sun here from Ontario, because it coincided with her arrival. And man were we happy, and everybody else was happy.
For about thirty seconds.
Then they started moaning again. (Distinction here, them, not me.) "It's so hot, oh my gaaaawd it so HAAAAWT." It was at that point that I started looking at people as though they had tail-less raccoons attached to their faces. Horror.

Earlier this morning someone came back into my office and everyone immediately turned to quiz him "is it hot? is it hot?" and he's all "OH YEAH, it's hot."
On the way in to work this morning, someone else told me that today? Today it's going to be THIRTY-SEVEN degrees outside. THIRTY-SEVEN.

It is baffling to me that people here begin to wilt when it is actually... wait for it... 21 degrees outside, and that they have a quirky way of adding the humidex (a humidex which miraculously equals a whole ten degrees higher) without actually mentioning that they're adding the humidex.
THIRTY-SEVEN degrees ... yeah, that would be hot. Twenty-seven degrees (today's ACTUAL expected high... we'll see) is definitely warmish.

Twenty-one degrees?

That's room temperature.


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