Monday, April 02, 2007


Heh heh.

I recently installed Google Analytics on my blog, which, among other fascinating statistics, tells me exactly where my hits are coming from. So for example, because most of my hits are coming from Burnaby, I know that TM is wasting valuable office hours. I also see all my hits from the G-spot, from Ottawa, and from Owen Sound (Hi guys!). Plus I get to see all those places people are visiting from where I know absolutely no one. Sweden for instance. Pretty snazzy.
I was complaining to TM yesterday that the lengths of my visits seems to be around 10 seconds on average. TM laughed and said that perhaps if I were to post something new once in a while, people would have a reason to stick around, instead of dropping in to check.
SO in the interest of KEEPING your interest, here I am posting and probably weirding you all out. Just wait...

TM & A happily Easter vacationing

We are going on an Easter vacation! We're heading out to Vancouver Island this weekend, since TM has Friday off, and I have Friday AND Monday off because my employer likes me more. Hopefully today we're making some reservations at a place on the beach in Parksville, and from there we can drive around and visit the area and my extended fam. We are all very excited:

TM and the duck in a rare moment of comraderie

We had a pretty fantastic weekend here in Van city. It was sunny and sweater-only shopping weather. We saw some Lions in 3D, bought some stuff at future shop, bought some SHOES! and went to a concert at the Orpheum.
Yes it is Monday. But this is going to be a short week!


Blogger Alex said...

you and your shoes! although I have to say I'm surprised that you've held out this long. impressive.

4:32 a.m.  

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