What does an unemployed housecat do?
She bakes!

Saturday TM and I walked for SEVEN HOURS, starting with a tour around Stanley Park. As you may have heard, the park is in some disrepair, due to the insane weather. I'm thankful I only caught the tail end of the windy days. So far it hasn't been necessary for me to study TM's Wind Disaster Apartment Evacuation Protocol (WDAEP), which, as I understand it, he thought up while lying in bed on the night that most of the park's destruction took place.

Mostly we stuck to the perimeter, because all the paths had these signs posted at their entrances:

At first we were dutifully deterred by these blockades, but as walking beside the constant stream of Saturday traffic began to wear thin, we ventured onto a path -- only to find that after crossing a few barriers of smaller fallen trees the path got completely lost in giant overturned trees. We returned to the road via our own trailblazing a little the worse for mud and sap.

I remember the park from my last visit for the wonderful smell, the peacefulness, the animals with their studied air of indifference. Despite the unfortunate remodeling, it still delivers. And it was a spectacular day.

(TM's photo)
first of all that couch looks super comfortable! second of all i think i'm going to have to try out that banana bread recipe with the banana flavoured yogurt i've got sitting in my fridge (i know, i know, the recipe doesn't call for yogurt). and third of all the pictures of the forest are insane! although at this point i might trade snow for wind..
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