The glass ceiling installed in your television screen
Last night around 2 am, my brother and I were staring vacantly at the television screen, when the new Taco Bell commercial came on. You can see it here or here (a crappier version on YouTube).
Basically, the girl gets denied in the little boys-only knuckle salute, and her contribution is invalidated. An overreaction on my part? Probably. Except that I was immediately reminded of that chicken sandwich commercial (of which I can unfortunately not find a copy on the internet) where there's three guys and a girl sitting in a car eating chicken sandwiches (from McDonald's?) and all three guys say CHICKEN! in big stupid voices, and it's funny for them, but when the girl joins they act as though she's just ripped off a massive fart.
I said as much to my brother, who, amazingly did not seem to share my indignation:
A: GOD! That is just like the CHICKEN ONE! Girls don't get knuckle OR chicken. What is with these commercials?
J: I don't know what you're talking about at all right now.
A: You know? That commercial? Where they're all CHICKEN! CHICKEN! CHICKEN! but when she's like CHICKOWN-OWN, they look at her like she's crazy?
J: ...
A: It's like this big joke they're pretending exists that we're not in on.
J: I think I'm going to get some chicken when I go to the store tomorrow.
J: It'll be spicy.
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