Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Please position mounted police officer in front of 98 B-line

I seem to be having one of those weeks.
One of those weeks where it seems that complete strangers are suddenly, irrationally, and inexplicably driven to make you feel like crap.
Yesterday a woman nearly demanded I refund her $2.50 for a coffee which she bought and then couldn't take into a big expensive lecture theatre with her. I was clearly responsible because I should have been psychically picking up the fact that she wanted to drink it INSIDE rather than out, during the 20+ minutes she had before the lecture was actually going to start. I could barely restrain myself from asking: "You wouldn't be a Queen's student by any chance, would you?"

This morning, still feeling fragile from my encounter with the COPD lecture attendees (she was the worst, there were more), the bus driver yelled at me while a long line of passengers was left waiting to board. The reason? I neglected to scratch off a particular number on the front of my pass. I didn't realize I had to, AND I've been riding with it like that for TWO WEEKS. TODAY IT WAS A PROBLEM.
Honestly, if one more person takes out their cranky-pants emotional waste dump on me, I'm going to... well I don't know what I'm going to do, but it's going to have something to do with the overflow from their dumps interacting with my dump, the excess and overflow and IT WON'T BE PRETTY.

I have a certain mental image I use in cases like this. I imagine this person having incredibly bad karma in return for treating me like this, and the karma is embodied by a large seagull afflicted with projectile diarrhea. Why a seagull? I don't know. I guess I find the image of the offending party being literally shat on comforting in it's hilarity.

When I mentioned this to TM this morning in an email he suggested that I think about substituting the seagull with a horse.

He is pretty awesome.


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