Thursday, February 22, 2007

For the safety of bronchial trees everywhere

Egads! 22 days since last post. It seems that around the beginning of every year I seem to have a need for hiatus on M&C. Though I know my content updating has been less than admirable for months.
Today however, I do have a very good reason to post -- a reason of a celebratory nature in fact -- and that is I AM FINALLY EMPLOYED.
That's right sportsfans, you may now release your collective held breaths and return to your normal colours. In fact, I entreat you to do so and to follow it up with some fresh breath of air wherever you can find it (ie. air not inclusive of second hand smoke or car fumes etc) for I am working as Communications Assistant for the BC Lung Association (and that is the only time I will actually write that out in full, maybe the googlebot won't get me)!
So in answer to your question V, no you do not have (or get) to call me a capitalist whore. Not even once. That's right baby I'M NON-PROFIT.


Blogger justin said...

Congrats A! I'm quite happy to be given the opportunity to return to my normal colours (whatever they might be). Oh ya, I'm happy for you too! ;)

Be ready for V to call you a capitalist whore anyway, just 'cause it's fun.

5:41 p.m.  
Blogger Alex said...

Yay! Congratulations, Alexis! Definitely an admirable cause, as well.

12:39 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one could be happier than your parents! Now we can afford the kitchen. oxoxoxoxoxox Mom

11:23 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



I got worried that you had taken to street corners for income (or advertising agency) so I had to check your blog to see what was going on. CONGRATULATIONS, it sounds like a great place to work for, an awesome experience. I'm so happy for you!

Also...plans are underway for D and I to come visit you in August. I mentioned this to James and he has plans to take me on a tour of his 'snow making' facilities at the effects warehouse. *cough*

~ me (V)

PS Meredith cut her hair and died it dark and looks amazing, you should ask for pictures :)

5:22 p.m.  

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