Sunday, March 11, 2007


This past Wednesday was TM's 24th bday. You all have my permission to email him for the soul purpose of making off-colour over-the-hill jokes.
Since Wednesday is an awkward day to celebrate a birthday, TM quite helpfully suggested that we extend it to a birthweek -- a week which of course included both weekends.
And so two birthday cakes were in order.
Unfortunately our oven sits on an angle...
...and so did the cake.
However, I might point out that presentation aside, this chocolate blackout cake was pretty much fantastic.
Not as fantastic as this though:
If you want to know what it is, just click to see the description.
The recipe for this one can be found here.
We of course altered the recipe in that we used twice the amount of ice cream called for. *Shrug*


Blogger justin said...

Uh... Yum! Birthweeks are definitely the way to go. Why distill it all into one day when you can have a cake-filled week-long extravaganza? BirthDAYs are for suckers.

11:28 p.m.  

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