Thursday, March 03, 2005

Yes! I get my comp back

Okay so yes, my mac broke, and I didn't say anything until now because a) my brother will make fun of me when he gets here on Monday, so it had to be done before he arrived, and b) everyone else will make fun of me.

So go for it, you know you want to.

The upshot is, that I get all my files back (I'm sure the nerdy mac guys have been having an absolutel BALL with some of the stuff I've written and saved this year, huh JHR & V? you know what I'm talking about), I get all my music back, which is awesome because, well, does anyone else feel sometimes like music dictates your mood?
And let me tell you I need a better one:

Besides the fact that I've been having HORRIBLE dreams lately, the ones where you wake up feeling more tired and sick than you went to sleep because they're so upsetting, I've been getting those yo-yo mood swings that can only mean one thing: Yes! this month I'm getting a major, major dose of PMS -- which would account for the email I sent JHR this week (unfortunately no less true despite it's being brought on in part by my hormones). I don't often get it, but when I do, you should really keep a distance of at least 3 metres between yourself and well, the edge of my arm span. Last night I was watching the Secret Life of Us (so sad you don't have it in Canada, it's f-ing brilliant), and two of the characters had embarked on a random f-only type relationship, except it was obvious that they were in love with eachother but too stupid to tell eachother, and it was so frustrating. Anyway, what's the point you're asking, because who really gives a shit and why have I reduced you to reading second hand soap plots? The point is, half an hour after the show ended I started crying because of the two stupid characters. Crying. I never cry. Unless I'm laughing. Or I'm really pissed off, or some other extreme circumstance. Okay, so I do once in a while, but never over fictional people on television.
So there you have it, hurrah a week of utter insanity in front of me. My poor father, I'll have to shield him as much as possible.

So, there's my first and hopefully only I'm-going-to-get-my-period-in-a-few-days post. Enjoy?


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