Pretty Okay
I don't know, I just wanted to start with a Canadian expression, so I picked 'sauga.
For all you non-Canadians a little education: Pretty Okay is WAY more Canadian now than "deke out" or "Hogtown." P.S. We're not in the 60's anymore. Thanks. Next time they write a book on how to be Canadian, maybe they should consider consulting ACTUAL Canadians. We don't "deke out of meetings" any more. We blow them off.
Don't worry, I'll get over this soon. Just working it out of the system.
So today I have nothing to do. Nowhere to go. No one to see. The fam is officially alone in Munich for the first time since being here. That only lasts for 3 more days fortunately.
I'm immersing myself in fashion magazines and feeling incredibly unfashionable. I've got my hair pinned up like someone out of the 40's -- but maybe that's cool?
Today a German delivery man knocked on my door. Apparently my "ask me!" aura extends beyond the walls of the apartment. There's nowhere to hide. He needed to find apartment 26, and decided to ring the door bell of 35 instead. Awesome.
"Who is that?" my brother asked.
"I don't know," I said. "But you might want to put on some pants."
My brother gets dressed in stages. When he gets out of the shower, he plays video games in his towel for a very long time. Then he puts on some boxers. This stage lasts until he needs to go somewhere in the apartment that involves walking in front of a window. Then he puts on pants. This stage can last all day, as long as he doesn't have to go outside. That eventuality provokes the donning of a shirt.
It is time for him to live on his own.
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