Gripes? I don't know, it sounded like an exciting title.
You know what would be nice? A little give and take in this cyber socializing I have going here. And by that I mean a little more take on my part, and a little more give on the parts of other certain individuals who shall remain nameless, but then, generally they always do on this site... except for me, and I think I've just slipped up a couple times.
You know what would also be nice? Some indication in the anonymous posts of the identity of the anonymous poster... I know that this sort of defeats the definition of the word anonymous, and if I weren't so damnably good at identifying people by the sound/way of their typing I would be not a little put out.
I'm having trouble lately keeping the running of my thoughts on the same track, let alone in the same stadium, and am finding that the things that I write are suffering in that they begin some where and end up somewhere entirely different. I'm sure you've all noticed, those of you who have gotten e-mails longer than 3 lines in the last week. (Some of you have gotten THREE such e-mails and still do not deign to respond. Ahem, ahem.)
So, on this note, I'm foregoing the market dissertation. I think I might go there today anyway, and maybe find some new interesting material while I'm there... as long as the little old lady sitting on the upturned milk carton doesn't kill me... she's been looking shifty lately. Damn westerners, buying food, eating, feeding themselves... how dare they?
Did I mention I feel a little resented in this city?
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