SL's Big List of things she wishes she'd brought - or - Who Knew?
1. GIGANTIC bottle of deep woods off. *not for the deep woods of the Ukraine -- for my apartment. To make a long story short: open basement, flooded with stagnant water, huge breeding ground, infestation, and strangely, allergic reactions to mosquito bites...
2. Mosquito netting. I'm guessing that this might also be useful in places like Australia or Fiji... but who knows? I may need a whole new BIG LIST when I arrive there...
3. One of those Raid insecticides that you plug into the wall that makes mosquitoes spontaneously drop out of the air, mid dive-bomb. Are we noticing a theme? We've been on the track of one of these babies for 2 1/2 weeks now, and all we can find are the inserts.... apparently there's been a run on the actual electronic aparatus... big surprise. The apparent mythology of this item has resulted in my running from corner to corner in the living room, jumping on furniture, brandishing a bottle of impotent insecticide like holy water in an excorcism.
4. A switch blade. Not for my hand luggage obviously, and not actually for practical use. I was thinking more RWAC (rebel without a cause) Toreador bravado. That's right, it's threatening. I want to feel more threatening.
5. Conditioner. Need a good conditioner. My hair is spazzy. Good thing I mostly find myself BEHIND the camera.
6. An extra prescription for Super-power antihistamines... I haven't been here a month and already I've had an episode of hives. Note to self, the topical antibiotics are now off the list of applicable medications.
7. Mustard. This country has no mustard... what up? they do love their mayonnaise though.
8. Peanut butter. I suppose I really could have called that one.
Okay, I can't think of any more, and they're becoming lame and un-entertaining... even to me... I can't believe what you guys must experience reading this. For my 100th post, I have a nice little description of the "American Library" that I've found... as you might expect, it's worthy of this blog and its premise.
Qlink, if you don't start working soon by damn I will smite you...
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