Friday, November 02, 2007

The other side of the world

I have lived in a lot of different places in the world. Until this past year, though, I had never lived in a different area of Canada. I hadn't realized the extent to which, although this is a different part of the same country, it is also a different part of the world. I guess that's what happens when your country is almost 10 million kilometres square.
Did you know, for instance, that two thirds of all firework-related injuries in the country occur in BC? Did you know that 90% of those injuries occur around Halloween? Living in Vancouver on October 31st is not unlike being in Germany at New Year's. What with the crazy dressed-up people shooting roman candles at random and each other. Richmond has even instituted firework displays for Halloween to try to discourage people from buying fireworks (illegally, I might add) for their children.
When I commented that this was a bit bizarre in the lunch room this week, I was met with bemused stares. OF COURSE you set off fireworks at Halloween. That's what the day is FOR isn't it? I mean, WHAT ELSE would you do? Throw pumpkins around or something? Fireworks are a time-honoured Halloween tradition. All the Hallows? They TOTALLLY used fireworks. It's been around forever.
It's just, you know, the rest of the world doesn't know that.


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