Living by a code
M&C has been on vacation! Did I forget to tell you?
Oh! October has been so busy. So much going on, and it will be a little while before I start talking about everything here because I would like the gist of October events to become common knowledge before I embark upon them. Instead! While I wait for my webdocs to synchronize, a story.
Lying in bed last night, and going over everything we have to talk about, I suggest to TM that we start a list.
“We could start a list!” I say with relish, “and it could be colour-coded!”
TM starts to laugh. I shrink down under the covers.
“What?” I say in a small voice.
“Your friends warned me that you might do this,” he says.
“What?!” I sit up.
“When I was talking to them on the phone.”
“They asked me whether you had an organized colour-coded plan yet.”
“And I said no, but that it was a distinct possibility.”
“Oh my god.”
The look on TM’s face is nothing short of gleeful, and I am horrified.
The truth is though, that this is the second time in a month that some one has made a joke about my colour-coding things. The first time being my brother, my own flesh and blood. Honestly, don’t people know that my colour-coding is a sensitive topic. I mean, I don’t colour-code EVERYTHING, so I’m always a bit surprised that people make mention of it. In my head, my colour-coding is pretty under control. “Under control” is a relative term I guess. Because I successfully resist the urge to organize my underwear drawer, or my makeup bag, or my box of yarn… but not my box of embroidery thread, or my food, or, well, anything to do with work – those are all arranged, usually according to the spectrum of light. So although I feel like I have cut my colour-coding by half, to everyone else, I suppose I still appear to go way over the norm on colour-coding. Is there a colour-coding norm?
Anyway, if everyone could just take into consideration that I have a photographic memory, and that in order to remember things colour-coding is sometimes essential, and not at all bizarre. Yes, in calculus class, I wrote out each concept in a different colour, but come exam time, I could picture those notes according to what colour I had written them in and actually read them in my head. Who’s the weirdo now huh?
ok now i just feel guilty. i can't promise that i'll stop altogether, but i'll lay off on the colour-coding jokes. but please understand, it's totally endearing and just one of the reasons why we love you.
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