Living on the wrong side of the bed
This is the second morning in a row that I've woken up in a bad mood. Yesterday, it was simply a matter of atmospheric pressure waking me up with an intense headache behind my right eye.
This morning however, I have woken up after approx. 6 hours of sleep. No, I correct that, I HAVE BEEN woken up by none other than my ever charming next door neighbour -- he of the constant loud music, loud phone calls, jam sessions, and laugh track which dominate the time I spend here in my room. Yet I have reason to believe that this morning, said charming neighbour is not in his room. I say this because his alarm clock buzzer has been going off AT VOLUME for the past 45 minutes (starting at 8:45) and no one has turned it off. So either he is not there, or severely passed out. I'm leaning towards the former, because the shrill and repetitive beeping would surely pierce even the deepest of comas.
To top this all off, a half hour after the alarm started, the telephone rang, and since I was awake anyhow, I stumbled out of bed to pick it up, only to be assailed for the 5th MORNING IN A ROW by a calm computerized voice saying "This is not a solicitation, this is an urgent message from (some bank or insurance company or something) requiring the immediate attention of Victoria Holland."
At that point I always hang up, because there is no Holland living here, and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand there and wait for her message just to tell the idiots that they've got the wrong number. I've got better things to do than to sit around on hold for someone else. I admit though, that the incessant daily phone call is getting a bit ridiculous. It will be interesting to see how long exactly it will take them to investigate WITH REAL PEOPLE why the people at this phone number keep hanging up and ignoring the calm robot. It can't possibly be that urgent if they're trusting it to him. He can't even swear back at me, as in this morning when I heard " - - - this is not a solicited message..." and yelled "Oh F- OFF!" into the phone before slamming it back into the base.
This is not going to be a good day.
Boy I hope that alarm turns off soon, so I can go back to sleep and block the whole thing out.
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