Tuesday, March 22, 2005

For the Record

I'd just like to stress once again that the way I write does not necessarily reflect my general state of mind... I mean sometimes it does a pretty good job, but generally I have a tendency to use humour to mask things, to distance myself from what's really going on. For those of you feeling distanced yourselves: I am stressed to the max, barely sleeping, and being driven slowly crazy. But I am happy enough, getting satisfaction out of working hard, and feeling generally optimistic about the passage of time on the whole.

I'm sure you all feel so much more abstract now. On to what I really want to say:

11:30 am Why Tuesdays Suck the Big One
I have a whole Theory of Shitty Tuesdays, the wisdom of which I will now impart: Tuesday is still the beginning of the wek, there's still a long way to go before the next weekend, and you don't have the cushion of the last weekend to fall back on, like Monday does. So, you see, Tuesdays are predisposed to be a big pain in the ass.
I am consistently proved right in this, and today is no exception. It is apparently harmony day on campus today, and there are huge orange banners in the Union Centre pronouncing "Harmony Day! You + Me = Us!" I read this as I walked in and thought, wow, that is really... the stupidest thing ever. Obviously I'm feeling rather unharmonious. More, "You + Me = Hospitalization you f-er, back the f- off."
It's rainy and cold and disgusting today. I slept too long (I went to bed too late), was late to class, and forgot a pen. There are no computers free in the library, and the first one that was available after 10 mins of waiting was usurped by a big guy in a Yankees cap with a huge maple leaf on his sweater. Man, buddy, that shirt had better damn well be a souvenir and not a statement of nationality. I'm so ashamed. The yankees' cap is more understandable.
So now I'm writing this in the noisy union centre caf, with my new pen, and wasting the time I had hoped to use for emails and work in the library. Oh man annoying.
Anyway, I was thinking today about my two favourite subjects (2 guesses... each I suppose) and also Easter coming up, and I thought I would suggest a movie to celebrate the holiday -- a movie which has very little to do with Christianity and much more to do with the predicament of a few people I know right now.
So we should all find a friend and watch 40 days and 40 nights (I know, crap movie suggestion, but fitting, because it's, uh, about Lent) then those of us who have the option should continue the celebration in the fashion of the last 15 minutes of said movie, and blessed be.
Speaking of which -- Av, Porn'n'Chicken Sunday nightst next year -- whaddya say? Other Queen's bees are welcome to join too of course.
The Harmony Day team has now set up Tango dancers in the middle of the caf. I believe that's my cue to exit.

2:50 pm
In other news, I'm developing a healthy seething hatred for my psych tutorial but at least it gives me a chance to perfect my lounging pose of affected and disdainful disinterest. It's a bloody joke, and just brings Tuesdays to a particularly painful culmination.

4:41 pm
I'm enrolling myself in anger management therapy.
Joking. But I wouldn't suggest sneaking up on me right now, or, well, bugging me in any way. Canadians are off the hook, because well, how you would do that from miles and half a day away... Australians are not. Save all those practical jokes guys! At this point you're all confused and I'm realizing this is dumb and only funny for me. I'll just piss off then shall I?
Good idea.


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