Thursday, May 11, 2006

Things I have enjoyed today:

1. Women riding bicycles in skirts and high heels. I have great admiration for them. I haven't worked up to this level yet. I'm still concentrating on the not-dying of the whole operation.

2. The smell of rain on warm pavement.

3. Having JHR's voice in my head. Not as the disembodied voice of my conscience, but as the disembodied REAL voice of JHR. Rather uncanny.

4. Campbell's ready-to-serve minestrone.

5. My red chair.

6. The back cover of my chick-lit, which has an array of similarly gaudy book covers with titles to match. "Nadia knows best." "Staying at Daisy's." "Millie's Fling." "Good at Games." "Miranda's Big Mistake." "Two's Company." Voting on favourites may now begin.

7. My phone, which for the first time since I got it, actually rang. Actually rang more than once. I'm pretty f-ing popular.

8. The Song of the Day: On My Balcony ~ Flunk


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